- Gerald Feinberg
Gerald Feinberg (
27 May 1933 –21 April 1992 ) was aColumbia University physicist andfuturist .He coined the term
tachyon for hypotheticalfaster-than-light particles and analysed their quantum field properties, [Possibility of Faster-Than-Light Particles. "Physical Review" 159: 1089-1105 (1967)] predicted the existence of themuon neutrino [ M. Schwartz, in Nobel Lectures, "World Scientific", Singapore (1992), p. 469.] and advocatedcryonics as a public service. [Physics and Life Prolongation "Physics Today" Vol 19 #11 45 (1966).] He was a member of theForesight Institute 's advisory panel. [http://www.foresight.org/Updates/Update09/Update09.1.html#anchor1358298]Papers
*Knowledge of the Past and Future, (with S. Lavine, and D. Z. Albert) "The Journal of Philosophy" 89, 607-642 (1992).
*Two types of prediction in Newtonian and quantum mechanics, (with D. Z. Albert, and S. Lavine), "Physics Letters A" 138, 454-458 (1989).
*Possibility of Faster-Than-Light Particles. "Physical Review" 159: 1089-1105 (1967)
*Physics and Life Prolongation "Physics Today" Vol 19 #11 45 (1966)
*Physics and the Thales Problem. "Journal of Philosophy" 63, no. 1 (1966): 5-16Books
"Cosmological Constants" (with co-editor
Jeremy Bernstein , 1986). ISBN 9780231063760"Solid Clues: Quantum Physics, Molecular Biology, and the Future of Science", Simon & Schuster, 1985. ISBN 0434262005
"Life Beyond Earth: The Intelligent Earthling's Guide to Extraterrestrial Life" (with Robert Shapiro), Morrow, 1980. ISBN 068808642X
"What is the world made of? : Atoms, leptons, quarks, and other tantalizing particles", Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1977. ISBN 0385076940 & ISBN 0385076932
"Consequences of Growth: The Prospects for a Limitless Future", Seabury Press, New York, 1977. ISBN 081649326X [http://www.asa3.org/ASA/BookReviews1949-1989/6-80.html Review]
"The Prometheus Project, Mankind's Search for Long-Range Goals", Anchor Books, 1969. ISBN 0385036132
External links
* [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E0CE4DE1731F930A15757C0A964958260&sec=&spon= NY Times Obituary]
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