Miguel Marqués

Miguel Marqués

Pedro Miguel Juan Buenaventura Bernadino Marqués y García (20 May 1843 Palma, Majorca, Spain - 15 February 1918 Palma) was a Spanish composer and violinist.


He was the son of a chocolate maker. By the age of four he was already showing unusual musical talent, and by eleven he was playing violin for a Palma opera company, for which he wrote a Fantasía para violin which enjoyed a notable triumph. Between 1859 and 1863 family finance enabled him to study in Paris, after 1861 as a violinist at the Paris Conservatoire with Massard. In 1863 he was admitted to the orchestra of the Théâtre Lyrique, and began studying composition, and instrumentation with Hector Berlioz.

He returned to Majorca when called up to his military service, but in 1866 he resumed his studies at the Madrid Royal Conservatory, studying Violin with Monasterio and Composition with Emilio Arrieta whilst playing in the orchestra of the Teatro de la Zarzuela. After 1878 he was Inspector of the National Music Schools. He also taught singing at the Foundling Girls' School in Madrid, and published a handbook for Violin teachers.


  • Primera lágrima
  • Justos por pecadores (zarzuela, 1872)
  • El anillo de hierro (zarzuela in 3 acts, libretto by Marcos Zapata, premiered 1878 in Madrid)
  • Camoens (zarzuela in 3 acts, 1879)
  • Florinda (zarzuela in 3 acts, 1880)
  • La cruz de fuego (zarzuela in 3 acts, 1883)
  • El reloj de Lucerna (zarzuela in 3 acts, libretto by Marcos Zapata, based on events in Switzerland after the death of William Tell, premiered 1884 in Madrid)
  • El plato del día (extravagancia lírica in 1 act, libretto by Andrés Ruesga, Manuel Lastra and Enrique Prieto, premiered 1889 in Madrid)
  • El monaguillo (zarzuela cómica in 1 act, libretto by Emilio Sánchez Pastor, premiered 1891 in Madrid)
  • La cova del Drach (symphonic poem, 1904)

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