

Infobox German Location
Art = Stadt
Name = Buxtehude
Wappen = Wappen Buxtehude.pnglat_deg = 53 |lat_min = 28 |lat_sec = 37
lon_deg = 9 |lon_min = 42 |lon_sec = 4
Lageplan = Buxtehude_in_STD.pngBundesland = Niedersachsen
Landkreis = Stade
Höhe = 5
Fläche = 76.49
Einwohner = 39642
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 21614
PLZ-alt = 2150
Vorwahl = 04161, auch 04163, 04168
Kfz = STD
Gemeindeschlüssel = 03 3 59 010
Gliederung = 15 districts
Straße = Breite Str. 2
Website = [http://www.stadt.buxtehude.de/ www.stadt.buxtehude.de]
Bürgermeister = Jürgen Badur
Partei = Independent

Buxtehude (IPA2|bʊkstəˈhuːdə) is a town on the Este River in Northern Germany in the district of Stade and part of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region ("Metropolregion Hamburg").


Buxtehude is a steadily growing medium-sized town and the second largest in the district of Stade. It lies on the southern borders of the Altes Land within easy reach of the city-state of Hamburg. West of it are the towns of Horneburg and Stade and to the south there are incorporated villages offering mostly upscale housing, e.g. Ottensen and Apensen.

Buxtehude is home to several large businesses and numerous smaller ones and retailers.

Overall Buxtehude is made up of 19,393 male and 19,495 female residents. The religious makeup of the city is 46.31% Lutheran Protestant, 7.76% Roman Catholic and 39.88% others including other Christian denominations and Judaism.Fact|date=August 2007 Married couples makeup 48.28%; single, widowed and divorced individuals account for 51.70% while registered same-sex relationships are represented with 0.02%.Fact|date=August 2007

Buxtehude is home to 91.79% Germans and 8.21% with other background, most of them being Filipino (33.09%), Turkish (10.65%) or Polish (7.24%).Fact|date=August 2007


* In 959 a settlement by the Este river is first recorded. The farmer colony called "Bouchstadon" is given to the cloister of Magdeburg. Soon a wharf, "Hude", is established.
* 1135 the settlement is called "Buchstadihude" referring to the successful quay.
* 1197 two royal settlers found a Benedictine cloister in the near surrounding of the village. Due to the fertile soil and a partial participation in the saline of Lüneburg the wealth and population increase.
* 1280 the archbishop Giselbert orders the city to be bordered by city walls and fortification buildings including 7 peels and 3 town gates.
* By 1328 the city's town hall is mentioned first in history and the city is granted full town rights by Hamburg. By now "Buxtehude" is self-governing advancing to a trading town.
* 1485 the immensely wealthy "Master Halepaghen" as the cousin tutor of the mayor of Hamburg dies and donates his assets to the city for scholarships and caricatural purposes.
* 1600s the hanseatic trade declines and cattle trade becomes majorly important. Besides Stade, Buxtehude is the only crossover over the Elbe river.
* In 1645 Buxtehude surrendered to the Swedish army and loses its independence. Trade and population recede dramatically.
* 1769 the cloister is torn down due to the secularization.
* The link road through the city in 1837 reanimates business and trade.
* 1845 is dominated by industrial boom with a paperfactory being installed on the former cloister ground.
* 1945 the population grows to 14,000. Much living space in Hamburg was bombed out and people flee to the suburbs and exurbs such as Buxtehude.
* 1958 Buxtehude is decided to be in charge of reconstructing much of Hamburg after the war and thus is heavily funded with government money.
* Lower Saxony incorporates 9 neighboring villages into the town in 1972 changing the structure of Buxtehude and creating a cluster of more than 30,000 inhabitants.
* 1983 the old part of town is pedestrianized.
* 1985 town twinning with Blagnac (France) is undertaken.
* 1990 Ribnitz-Damgarten in the former German Democratic Republic becomes the second sister city.


(each as of December 31st)
* 1998 - 36,531
* 1999 - 36,699
* 2000 - 36,699
* 2001 - 37,086
* 2002 - 37,466
* 2003 - 37,827
* 2004 - 37,827
* 2005 - 38,888

ister cities

* , since 1985
* , since 1990


Since 1881 Buxtehude has had its own railroad station on the R50 line between Hamburg and Cuxhaven. In late 2007 this line was added to the rapid transit system of the Hamburg S-Bahn by the HVV.

Since 1928 there has also been a second railroad line crossing Buxtehude, the "EVB", (Elb-Verbindungs-Bahn - literally Elbe river connection trains) between Hamburg's outermost district and Bremerhaven on the coast of the North Sea. The Este river connects the city to the important Elbe river 6 miles north. Earlier in history this connection was used to ship goods into the small harbour, which still exists but has become less accessible due to city developments and aggradation.

A major highway, scheduled for completion in 2010, is to connect the town to Hamburg.


Several major companies are located in Buxtehude:
* Unilever, an Anglo-Dutch company in the personal care and food sector.
* KID-Systeme GmbH, a Buxtehude-based supplier for airplane cabin electronics. [http://www.kid-systeme.de/ Official Webpage]
* Airbus S.A.S, the world's leading commercial aircraft manufacturer.
* Bacardi, the world's largest privately held, family-owned spirits company.
* INTERPANE, a German manufacturer of insulation glass. [http://www.interpane.de/ Official Webpage]
* Pioneer Hi-Bred, a subdivision of the world's biggest American-based chemical producer DuPont, the world's largest developer and exporter of seeds [http://www.pioneer.com/germany/default.htm Official Webpage] .
* Nord Kalksandsteinwerke, a German producer of lime sand bricks and other building material [http://www.nord-ks.de/ Official Webpage] .
* Niederelbe Schifffahrtsgesselleschaft (NSB), one of the largest German containerships shipping companies [http://www.reederei-nsb.com/ Official Webpage] .
* Implantcast GmbH, Germany's second largest manufacturer of orthopaedic implants, such as artificial hips and knees [http://www.implantcast.de/ Official Webpage] .


* "Hochschule 21", a private college with a renowned architecture program. [http://www.hs21.de/ Official Webpage] .
* "Gymnasium Halepaghen-Schule", local highschool. Former member in the "Quality Network for Schools" in Lower Saxony, Humanitarian School and rating highest in the county. [http://www.halepaghen-schule.de Official Webpage] [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halepaghen-Schule German Wikipedia Site]
* "Gymnasium Süd", local highschool [http://nibis.ni.schule.de/~bux-sued/ Official Webpage] [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gymnasium_Buxtehude_Süd German Wikipedia Site] .
* "Volkshochschule Buxtehude", community college.
* "Malerschule", private art school.
* "Berufsbildende Schulen Buxtehude", public secondary schools for the sectors of economics, informatics and electrotechnics. [http://www.bbs-buxtehude.de/ Official Webpage] .


Buxtehude is known as "The Fairytale Capital" of the world. The tale of "The Hare and the Hedgehog" by the Brothers Grimm is set in this town. Furthermore the name is used in numerous German tales. And thus people claim there actually does not exist a town by the name of Buxtehude. Thus the German proverb "...nach Buxtehude jagen" means to send someone too far.


* Museum for Regional History and Art (seen in the article picture)

Local Dialects

German and a regional dialect called Low Saxon ("Plattdeutsch" or "Platt"), which is rarely spoken now but can be still heard spoken by older people. Also one of the local high schools Halepaghen-Schule holds a Plattdeutsch reading contest each school year.


Buxtehude enjoys a good reputation as a warm, visitor-friendly town preserving its cultural and regional heritage without denying the future. Besides the beautiful old part of town, the main church of Sankt Petri (St. Peter) and the Zwinger are great places to pay a visit to. The Altes Land adjacent to Buxtehude and the close Elbe river serve as great get-aways for a bicycle tour or a long hike. Buxtehude can as well be used as your hub for tours to the nearby cities of Hamburg and Bremen.

Regular events

For the interested visitor, some events held every year:

Buxtehuder Pistennacht

The "Pistennacht" is an event where bars, restaurants and clubs in the old part of town are open all night long. A stage downtown and some individual places offer live music.

Pfingstmarkt Neukloster

The "Pfingstmarkt" is the biggest fair in northern Germany along the national highway "B73". It is always held on the German holiday of Pfingsten exactly 50 days after Easter close to Buxtehude. It features 130 exhibitors with many rides including a Ferris wheel and bumper cars as well as lottery booths, snack booths and sit-down food locations. In 2004 140.000 visitors flocked to the fair compared to 10.000 in 1904 and 100.000 in the 1970s.


Like the Pistennacht, the Altstadtfest (literally: "Old Town Festival") is held downtown. Every year on the first weekend of June the whole old part of town turns into a party with several stages with live music. Sunday morning the city's biggest flea market is held around the Fleth. For the occasion of Altstadtfest the town is decorated in the city colors of blue and yellow.


Vinum is the motto for the annual celebration of wine in old town Buxtehude. For one weekend the city dedicates itself to culture of wine and many booths for wine testing and entertainment open.

External links

* [http://www.buxtehude.de/ Official site] de icon
* [http://www.pausenberger.com/buxtehude.html photographs from Buxtehude]

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