List of Special Operations Executive operations in World War II

List of Special Operations Executive operations in World War II

=Special Operations Executive (SOE)=

* "Aeneas" (1944) — Belgium
* "Arboretum" (1944) — Belgium, agents executed, few details of exact mission.
* "Aemilius" (1944) — Belgium, 3 August 1944, field name Lucie, Rockfort-Marche region.
* "Agamemnon" (1944) — Belgium, January/February 1944, field name Suzanne, Tournai, liaison mission with Cufflinks mission, captured.
* "Agrippa" (1944) — Belgium, 5 March 1944, field name Brooch, W/T mission.
* "Aileron" (1944) — Italy, brief report only available in the files of an agent sent to Siena in March 1944, purpose unclear.
* "Alarbus" (1944) — Belgium, 3 June 1944, field name Locket, Ciney/Marche region.
* "Alcibiades" (1944) — Belgium, 5 August 1944, field name Ida, Hal/Nivelle region, provision of instruction in sabotage.
* "Almouth" (1944) — Italy, February 1944, plans for blowing up of railway bridge over the Taro; the relevant file provides few clues to outcome.
* "Aloes" (1944) — France, 1944, code name for resistance headquarters, Brittany, W/T communications to five departments of Brittany.
* "Alsation" (1943) — Belgium 21-22 April 1943, Briquet. Mission members killed on impact. Aimed at encouragement of resistance in industry.
* "Ampthill" (1944) — Italy, March 1944, rail sabotage at Pedaso.
* "Antenor" (1944) — Belgium, field name Tiepin, Gemblaux.
* "Apemantus" (1944) region, liaison with resistance groups.
* "Armada" (1943) electricity power, also transformer stations and fuel depots.
* "Armadillo" (1944) region.
* "Artichoke" (1942) s in North Sea. An agent was to be exfiltrated, but the file provides no further details.
* "Association" (1941-1942) — Belgium, infiltration of agent to Belgium through Lisbon; paid off after attempt at usage .
* "Atlow" (1944) area, Asciano.
* "Aufidius" (1944) — Belgium, 1 April filed name Colette, Ciney Marche, liaison mission with chief of zone IV, for organisation of zone, instruction in arms and explosives.
* "Autogyro" (1941) — Belgium, few details in files, mission cancelled after several failures.
* "Baboon" (1942) mission to encourage peasant resistance.
* "Badger" (1943) region, reception committees, communication with Secret Army; agent deemed ‘irresponsible’.
* "Balaklava" (1941) , discovered by Germans.
* "Balloonet" (1944-1945) .
* "Balthazar" (1942-1944) region, later expanded to cutting of railway routes and destruction of communications in preparation for D-Day, working to Nelly.
* "Bandon" (?) and the liberation of the city.
* "Bandon VII" (1945) — Italy, continued political and military liaison mission in Turin. Appears to have had the task of facilitating supplies by safeguarding Rivoli airport.
* "Bassianus" (1944) — Belgium, May field name Violette, to work to Nelly, sabotage instruction, including derailment of trains.
* "Bergenfield" (1944-1945) area.
* "Bernardo" (1944) region, messenger to chief of Secret Army, field name Nina.
* "Bianca" (1944) — Belgium, 28-29 June field name Diane, sabotage instruction.
* "Blundell" (1944-1945) — Italy, general name used to denote the various liaison missions to the Italian partisans in the north, .
* "Blundell" (1944) region. The relevant files contain reports by leaders Captain T D Gregg and Major Lett.
* "Borzoi" (1943) , March .
* "Boykin" (1945) — Italy, plan for kidnapping of suspected double agents who were thought to be compromising the north Italian resistance. Although successful when carried out in February: interrogation of the agents later suggested that the suspicions were unfounded.
* "Brabantio" (1944) — Belgium, July or August filed name Odette, principal delegate to occupied territory for organisation of sabotage.
* "Braddock I" (1944) in an uprising.
* "Broadbean" (1943) — Holland, February to collect mail from resistance groups in northern Holland and arrange transportation.
* "Buckhound" (1943) support, Military Zone IV, Brussels.
* "Bullfrog" (1943) — Belgium, May contacts with Secret Army and organisation of GOFER reception committees.
* "Caius" (1944) region, captured, escaped.
* "Calf" (1943) , but a possible security breach.
* "Calpurnia" (1944) region.
* "Calvados" (1943) , using a German deserter, Kurt Koenig.
* "Canidus" (1944) — Belgium, June W/T to Delphine mission.
* "Canticle" (1942) — Belgium, March with Duncan, Mastiff, Incomparable; courier, and W/T support arrested; later agents reported to have been beheaded.
* "Caphis" (1944) — Belgium, January field name Herminie, probably a stage mission, captured.
* "Carical" (1942-44) to undermine the use of skilled labour by the German occupiers.
* "Casement" (1944) to form a free German government. Suggested by the Spanish section during it did not go ahead through the lack of evidence of the Spanish escape connection considered necessary for its success.
* "Cato" (1944) — Belgium, July field name Celeste, to provide a messenger link for communications from the Minister of Finance.
* "Cawdor" (1944) — Belgium, February-March field name Roland, accompanied by Necklace, to provide a courier service.
* "Cayote" (1942) — Belgium, (?) May for organisation of motor sabotage, Brussels, accompanied by W/T mission Duncan.
* "Celeste" (1944) — Belgium, July carrying messages from the Belgian Minister of Finance.
* "Cherokee" (1944-45) .
* "Chicken" (1941) area.
* "Chiron" (1944) — Belgium, April field name Sash, W/T mission; arrested.
* "Cimber" (1944) — Belgium, August field name Yvonne, transmission of microfilmed messages.
* "Cisco" (1945) .
* "Citronelle" (1944) region.
* "Civet" (1942-44) — Belgium, also known as mission Stanley, report on strength of secret armies at request of Pierlot.
* "Claribel" (1941) — Belgium, March preparations for possible use of Belgium by enemy forces as a springboard for the invasion of Britain.
* "Claudius" (1943) — Belgium, July to contact resistance groups - FIL, MNB, Group G, and offer financial support.
* "Clowder" (1943-45) — Austria, establishment of an advance post to make contacts in central and eastern Europe, exploiting resistance movements, and looking especially to work in Austria and Germany.
* "Coal/Turtle" (1943) — Belgium, January abortive mission to steal German fighter aircraft, Brussels.
* "Codford" (?) — Name for all operations designed to prevent enemy states from seizing assets of neutral foreign countries.
* "Colan" (1945) , reports of success by agents.
* "Collie" (1942) , but caused a subsequent quarrel between SOE and the Belgian government in exile over interrogation of leader of Legion Belge.
* "Colossus" (1941) — Italy, February Landing of sabotage of bridges.
* "Cominius" (1944) region, W/T mission.
* "Conjugal" (1941) — Belgium, September to organise sabotage and contacts, but captured.
* "Coolant" (1944-45) .
* "Cordelet" (1943-44) — Belgium, mission to social and democratic trade unionists, to encourage resistance, and organise a go-slow of Belgian workers in Germany.
* "Coriolanus" (1944) — Belgium, April-May field name Handbag, W/T mission.
* "Corona (1944)" (1944-45) — Italy, political and military liaison mission, Piedmont.
* "Crowd" (1945) — Austria, 16 March investigation of general conditions of the underground socialist movement in the Sudetenland; fate unknown but thought to have been captured.
* "Curling" (1944) — Holland, W/T mission to chief operator.
* "Danbury" (1945) .
* "Daranus" (1944) — Belgium, April field name Agnes, investigation of Tybalt/ Claudius mission, information gathering on the efficiency of various groups, re-evaluation of sabotage missions.
* "Defiance" (1942-43) area.
* "Denver" (1944) and establishment of communications. All agents lost through betrayal.
* "Dicing" (1945) area.
* "Dingo(1943)" (1943-44) , possible security breaches by agent.
* "Dolabella" (1944) — Belgium, July/August field name Ursule, work in organising reception committees with Simone.
* "Donaldbain" (1944) — Belgium, August field name Foxtrot, W/T mission accompanying Odette mission.
* "Donum" (1944-45) .
* "Downend" (1944) .
* "Draughts" (1945) — Holland, January W/T mission, north Holland.
* "Backgammon/Draughts" (1944) — Holland organising mission, .
* "Bezique/Dressmaker" (1943) — France, sabotage of tanneries at Graulhet (Pau-Toulouse) and Mazamet (Carcassonne); unsuccessful.
* "Drybrook" (1945) — Austria, 13 August establishment of W/T links in east Tyrol; dropped in error to Germany and returned to UK.
* "Duncan" (1942) — Belgium, October attempted infiltration of agent to Belgium via Portugal through a staged desertion; contact eventually lost.
* "Duncery" (1945) — Austria, 24 April preservation of Zeltweg Aerodrome for the Allies, in the event unnecessary through work of local anti-Nazi groups.
* "Duval" (1945) — Austria, 16 February to contact underground organisation in Salzburg and assist in sabotage; party captured.
* "Ebensburg" (1945) — Austria, 8 February organisation of local sabotage with Maquis; capture of Bad Aussee four days before US arrival.
* "Echalotte" (1944) — France, wireless bases in Moselle and Vosges area to augment existing radio circuits and to provide information to London from rear of German line.
* "Electra" (1945) — Austria, 23 March to contact the underground socialist movement, Vienna; W/T contact never established.
* "Emelia" (1944) — Belgium, August Mrs Olga Jackson, field name Babette, independent propaganda mission for undermining of morale in Brussels, Ghent, Liege, Antwerp, Charleroi; organisation of prostitution circuit aimed at German officers.
* "Enorbarbus" (1944) — Belgium, field name Polka, W/T support to Constantine mission.
* "Envelope" (1945) — Italy Reggio Emilia region, political and military liaison BLUE (TOFFEE) mission.
* "Eros" (1944) — Belgium, August field name Reel, W/T support.
* "Eucalyptus" (1944) — France, derived from Union, liaison mission, Vercors.
* "Euphronius" (1944) — Belgium, May field name Arlette, sabotage instruction to Nelly in field, region Bierene.
* "Evansville" (1945) — Austria, 7 February support to movement in Graz, and arrangement for agents in Italy; believed killed and underground organisation crushed.
* "Evaporate" (1945) — taly, political and military liaison mission to Modena.
* "Falaise" (1941) — Tangier, -42, destruction of an enemy wireless station used for providing locations of Allied submarines in the Straits.
* "Ferret (1942)" — Belgium, plan to evacuate seven agents from Belgium, including Arboretum, presumed captured by Germans.
* "Ferret(1944) " — Italy, June to land three A Force agents north of Bonassola on the Ligurian coast and attempt a meeting with an existing Ferret party.
* "Ferrula" (1944) — Italy, -45, Val d’Aosta, political and military liaison mission.
* "Flaminius" (1944) — Belgium, October 1943, field name Jacqueline, arrested mid-
* "Flap/Fin" (1944) — Italy, 1945, political and military liaison mission to southern Piedmont, dispatched August. Also appears to be known as Temple mission.
* "Flavius (1943)" — Belgium, -44, field name Bib Red, W/T mission.
* "Fleckney" (1944) — Germany, -45, establishment of an organiser for sabotage in Breslau region.
* "Floodlight" (1944) — Italy, -45, political and military liaison mission consisting of Major W O Churchill, to act as British Liaison Officer to General Cadorna at the request of the CLNAI in northern Italy.
* "Fordwick" (1944) — Germany, establishment of a line for agents and information between Germany and Denmark.
* "Fortinbras" (1943) — Belgium, field name Bracelet, little detail of mission provided in relevant files.
* "Foxley" (1944-45) . A full implementation and intelligence report was drawn up but was not taken forward - Hitler’s military strategy and decisions favoured the Allies and there was no desire to create a martyr cult. However, plans to deal was Hitler’s subordinates, including Goebbels, found favour but were not implemented (Operation Little Foxleys).
* "Frilford" (1944) — Germany, -45, to sabotage railway track from Hintshingen to Oberlauchringen; reports from agents on success.
* "Gambling" (1945) — Holland, Jedburgh team to Veluwe region.
* "Gela Blue" (1944) — Italy, -45, political and military liaison mission to partisans in Vittorio Veneto.
* "Genesse" (1945) — Italy, military and political liaison mission to Oltre-Po, Pavese and partisans of Ligurian zone.
* "Gibbon (1942)" (1942) — Belgium, -44, PWE mission, organisation of carrier pigeon communication systems.
* "Glamis" (1944) — Belgium, April field name Josephine, Huy, Andenne region, adjunct to Hotton sabotage group.
* "Gratiano" (1944) — Belgium, January, field name Ping Pong, W/T operator for Samoyede II, based Brussels.
* "Greenleaves" (1945) — Austria, 2 April group based at Klagenfurt; dropped successfully but documents and photos captured; evacuated to Bari.
* "Greyhound" (1942) — Belgium, -45, organisation of escape routes through France to Spain (also known as WOODCHUCK and ANTOINE).
* "Griffon" (1943) — Belgium, February field name Genon, sent in with W/T mission Badger to Huy region; 2ième Bureau agent sent to liaise with secret armies, eventually captured and sent to Dachau.
* "Guineapig" (1943) — Belgium, October field name Wig, with Flaminius, arrested.
* "Gypsy" (1942) — Belgium, September 1941, to organise reception committees, VERMILLION courier routes, arrested (?) May .
* "Hail" (1944) — Italy, date uncertain. Few papers are provided on this file, but the mission appears to have been led by Petrucci, shot by the SS in March .
* "Hamster" (1945) — Austria, 21 April arming of small resistance groups for attacks on road and rail transport; reported working in Klagenfurt.
* "Hangman" (1942) — France, sabotage of pylons; training for the operation took place, but no indications are available from the file that the operation took place.
* "Hapale" (1945) — Italy, political and military liaison mission to the partisans, southern Piedmont; signals investigation mission.
* "Hapeville" (1945) — Italy probably little detail on the file, but likely to have been a liaison mission to the partisans at Bergamasco.
* "Haras" (1945) — Austria, 30 July to join Communist underground in Innsbruck, establish radio links. Unsuccessful, W/T not dropped and agent attacked.
* "Harrisburg" (1945) — Italy, political and military liaison mission to partisans
* "Hecate" (1944) — Belgium, (?) mid-, W/T mission to Huguette group, based in Brussels.
* "Hector (WWII)" (?) — Belgium, Hector 2 captured. Otherwise little detail available in the file.
* "Helenus" (1944) — Belgium, August field name Jeannine, Brussels, sabotage instructor for Nola.
* "Herring" (1945) — Italy, April 1944 raid by Italian paratroops on German supply lines.
* "Herrington" (1945) .
* "Hillcat" (1943) — Belgium, August sent with Tybalt, W/T missioni to Hector group.
* "Hireling" (1941) — Belgium, September arrested shortly after landing, escape, investigation by MI5.
* "Historian" (1945) — Austria, 24 April attack against communication lines in Klagenfurt.
* "Hollowshoes" (1942) — Spain, -45, building up of a network by Emilio Varas Canal. The group took its name from the latter’s girlfriend who proved her ability to create hollow heeled footwear.
* "Homestead" (1945) .
* "Horatio" (1944) , W/T mission for Hector II and Nelly, arrested May .
* "Hortensius" (1944) region, arrested in April.
* "Housekeeper" (1943) .
* "Iachimo" (1944) . No clue in files as to success.
* "Iago" (1944) ; investigation of security of Hector organisation under recent arrests.
* "Imogen" (1944) — Belgium, July/August field name Alice, courier for Odette, successful mission.
* "Incisor" (1945) area.
* "Incomparable" (1942) — Belgium, March PID propaganda mission, to contact and obtain influence in sabotage organisation; no clue in these files as to its fate.
* "Indelible" (1945) province
* "Independence" (1941) ; to contact any existing organisations and assess progress, advise on needs. No clue as to outcome.
* "Insulin" (1945) area.
* "Intersection" (1942) — Belgium, January captured shortly afterwards, investigation on use by Germans and possible arrest of other agents.
* "Izarra" (?) .
* "Jerboa" (1943) mission, to limit industrial production, some sabotage of waterways.
* "Junius" (1944) — Belgium, May/June field name Parasol, W/T mission, possibly arrested.
* "Koala" (1942) .
* "Kuyper" (1944) — Holland, October Lieutenant Dubois of Dutch army sent to organise reception committee and locate evading service personnel. Captured.
* "Labrador" (1943) — Belgium, January 2ieme mission, to organise reception committees; later doubts as to security.
* "Lacquer" (1941) — Belgium, September sent to liaise with Conjugal organisation.
* "Lamb" (1942) — Belgium, April/May W/T mission, to the secret army.
* "Lavinia" (1944) — Belgium, March/April field name Victorine, organisation mission, sabotage against river traffic and locks.
* "Lear" (1943) — Belgium, August to assist Stanley mission in cooperation with the secret army.
* "Lemur" (1942) region.
* "Lepidus" (1944) — Belgium, May field name Waltz, W/T mission with Huguette, eventually captured.
* "Leyton" (1944) .
* "Ligarius" (1944) — Belgium, June 1944, field name Margot, liaison with Delphine, sabotage training; arrested July .
* "Lodovico" (1944) region, field name Rosalie, sabotage instruction mission.
* "Lucullus" (1944) , W/T mission.
* "Luculluss" (1944) — Belgium, March field name Jeanette, shot down.
* "Lynx" (1942) area, W/T mission.
* "M 6" (1944-45) area.
* "M 11" (1945) (existed under different leadership before this date).
* "M 12/Tiber" (1945) .
* "Macduff" (1943) — Belgium, May with Ibex and Seal, to find reception committees for Civer, to act as an adjunct to mission Stanley.
* "Majordomo" (1942) — Belgium, January with Mandamus, reports on arrests, including Lacquer agents.
* "Mallaby/Neck" (1945) , but was captured on landing. The agent, Richard Mallaby, also known as Olaf and Richard Tucker, provided a W/T link during the final surrender of the Axis forces in Italy after being captured during his second mission.
* "Man Friday" (1942) — Belgium, January contact existing secret organisations, collect political and propaganda information.
* "Mandamus" (1942) — Belgium, January to organise sabotage, passive resistance, arms dumps, possibly crashed after take-off.
* "Mandrill" (1943) .
* "Manelaus" (1943) — Belgium, October liaison mission to chief of zone 1, field name Berthe.
* "Marcius" (1943) — Belgium, February/March field name Necklace, W/T support to chief Osric; presumed arrested.
* "Mardian" (1944) — Belgium, July field name Mathilde, to work with Celeste.
* "Market" (1944) . The four Jedburgh teams were Edward, Claude, CLARENCE and Clarence and Daniel.
* "Daniel/Marmoset" (1942) — Belgium, January sabotage organisation for Periwig.
* "Marmot" (1942) region.
* "Mastiff" (1942) — Belgium, March W/T mission with Incomparable; no reports received.
* "Menas" (1944) — Belgium, August field name Eugénie, to contact Samoyède II and Stentor organisation.
* "Mencrates" (1944) — Belgium, April/May field name Hortense, sabotage mission to Nelly.
* "Menenius" (1944) — Belgium, August field name Simone, organisation of reception committees; arrives too late to fulfil mission.
* "Messala" (1944) — Belgium, June to regain direction in field of railway dislocation, replace Nelly and organise sabotage structure, field name Huguette.
* "Mink" (1942) region and await W/T.
* "Mongoose (1942)" — Belgium, June to contact secret armies, arrange reception committees; established but no reports received.
* "Montano" (1944) structure and sabotage central Brussels.
* "Moselle" (1943-45) and AVOCAT possibly played back against SOE.
* "Mouse" (1942) — Belgium, March drops unoccupied France, arrested shortly after landing.
* "Mule" (1942) .
* "Musjid" (1941) , creation of reception and sabotage organisations, organiser Aboretum, to be dispatched.
* "Newsagent" (1943) .
* "Nicanor" (1943) — Belgium, January /February field name Therese, support to chief Belgian organisers.
* "Opinion" (1941) — Belgium (?) , mission to cultivate contacts in ecclesiastical circles, including the king’s entourage.
* "Othello" (1943) — Belgium, June mission to organise agricultural resistance, develop clandestine press and the encouragement of the sale of produce direct to the population, thus undermining occupation controls.
* "Outcast" (1941) — Belgium, September/October to work also into Luxembourg to contact existing groups or set up new ones, plan sabotage of power stations, industrial targets.
* "Outhaul" (1941) — Belgium, set for June did not take place, little information as to purpose in available file.
* "Pandarus" (1944) — Belgium, March, field name Cufflinks; to supply 90,000 dollars to secret army and aid building up to wireless network.
* "Panicle" (1941) — Portugal, planning for delay of any enemy advance into Portugal.
* "Patroclus" (1944) , but arrested June .
* "Patron" (1944) , brother of the King; no progress by August .
* "Periwig" (1941) (few details in the file).
* "Periwig" (1944-45) — Spain, a plan for the planting of evidence on captured Germans (who would presumably be allowed to escape) which would lead to the belief that the real German underground resistance movement was being organised from Britain. There is no evidence in the file to suggest that it went ahead.
* "Philotus" (1943) — Belgium, August establishment of organisation for reception and distribution of propaganda, attacks against pro-Fascists, and obstruction of work of collaborators.
* "Phrynia" (1944) — Belgium, August field name Liliane, to Osric, communications, information and reconnaissance for the chief of the area.
* "Pilchard" (?) .
* "Platypus" (1942) to influence Belgian industry towards go-slow tactics, collection of economic data; status of mission questioned by ‘C’.
* "Pointer" (1943) — Belgium, July with Claudius, later W/T to Claudius, contact with escape organisations; but questions over contact with German agents.
* "Polonius" (1944) .
* "Pompey" (?) — Spanish section plan for deception to suggest that the Allies intended to attack southern France or Greek islands.
* "Pool" (1944) , with "Pool II" being the exfiltration of agents from the same place.
* "Potato" (1944) and subsidiary roads, June to July .
* "Priam" (1944) — Belgium, May/June field name Hubertine, sabotage instruction mission.
* "Publius" (1944) — Belgium, April/May field name Muff, W/T mission to Colette
* "Pyx" (1945) ; for creation of safe houses, contact with the resistance locally, sabotage organisation; delay imposed by partisans and capture of information; eventually return of the party to Bari.
* "Rankin" (?) — Codeword for planning of operation in the event of German withdrawal from occupied countries.
* "Rat/Goat" (1943) — Belgium, April organisation of courier line for escapees and mail.
* "Regan" (1944) — Belgium, February field name Lining, W/T mission to Scipio.
* "Relator" (1941-43) — Spain, name given to the training of a party of area commanders to be used in Spain; also appear to be known as "Ali Baba and the 20 thieves". Their purpose was to delay the enemy in any advance into Spain.
* "Reproach" (1941-43) area.
* "Reynaldo" (1944) — Belgium, August field name Gabrielle, to contact chief of the secret army.
* "Rhombold" (1941) area, W/T and sabotage.
* "Ricco" (1944-45) area.
* "Roderigo" (1944) region.
* "Rosencrantz" (1944) — Belgium, September W/T mission, overtaken by Allied advance.
* "Rudder" (?) — Italy, codename for telegrams received from Rome through a code specially infiltrated immediately after the armistice.
* "Ruina" (1944-45) . The file contains a detailed sabotage diary.
* "Rummy" (1944) — Holland, to contact underground movements and report on security aspects after recent German successes against the circuits.
* "Sable" (1942) , part of mission known as ‘the Toughs’, to disorganise transport, railways, communications.
* "Sainfoin" (1944) region, working behind enemy lines in advance of Allies.
* "Saki" (1944-45) region.
* "Samoyede" (1943) in use of press, cinema and radio.
* "Savanna" (1941) .
* "Scullion" (1943) refinery.
* "Seafront" (1945) and encouragement of resistance in Salzburg; dropped to Germany by mistake.
* "Sempronius" (1944) — Belgium, February/March field name Ernestine, assistance to chief of sabotage, organisation of reception of material, using business cover; no reports received from mission in surviving file.
* "Siamang" (?) area, helping to coordinate anti-scorch measures to protect hydroelectric plants in the region.
* "Silkmerchant" (1941) — Belgium, May organisation of passive resistance through liberal and social parties, eventually leading to sabotage.
* "Sling" (1944) — France, attack on Paris electricity supplies by systematic destruction of pylons on three main lines; successful.
* "Socrates" (1943-44) — Belgium, to organise financial aid to resistance organisations.
* "Sophie" (1943) — France, June dispatch of assistant to De Gaulle’s commissaire for France.
* "Temple" (1945) — Austria, 13 August establishment of contacts in frontier area; fate unknown.
* "Terrier" (1942) area, W/T mission suspicions of possible use of W/T sets by the enemy.
* "Tiddleywinks" (1944) — Holland, August to re-establish propaganda links, send messages to the underground press on behalf of the Queen; agent injured on landing.
* "Turdus" (1944) area, political and military liaison mission to partisans.
* "Tybalt" (1942-44) — Belgium, organisational mission to contact resistance CLAUDIUS groups, secret armies and FIL, the largest sub group in Belgium, and bring these within SOE coordination.
* "Typical" (1943) — The 22 May airdrop of a British delegation to Tito's headquarters.
* "Union (1944)" (1944) region.
* "Varro" (1944) — Belgium, field name Delphine, mission to investigate arrests in Tybalt organisation.
* "Vergillia" (1944) — Belgium, February field name Nelly, chief sabotage organisation working to chief of staff, SOE and Belgian Sûreté, with the aim of dislocating rail and road transportation on D-Day.
* "Vivacious" (1944-45) rocket components. Not successful, but agent managed to return to Britain.
* "Warden" (1941) harbour; no evidence that this was carried out.
* "Yapok" (1944) — Belgium, February with Montano and Volumnia missions, field name Shoelace; arrested and escaped.

ee also

List of World War II military operations

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  • List of World War II military operations — This is a list of known World War II era military operations, and missions commonly associated with World War II. As of 2008 this is not a comprehensive list but most major operations which Axis and Allied combatants engaged in are included… …   Wikipedia

  • List of World War II topics (P) — # P 15 Termit # P 59 Airacomet # P 61 Black Widow # P 80 Shooting Star # P 4 class torpedo boat # P. G. Wodehouse # P. O. Box 1142 # P. Y. Saeki # P107 # Paavo Berg # Paavo Nurmi # Paavo Yrjölä # Pablo de Escandón y Barrón # Pacific Fighters #… …   Wikipedia

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