Eta Cephei

Eta Cephei

Starbox short
name = Eta Cephei
epoch = J2000.0
constell = Cepheus
ra = 20h 45m 17.27s
dec = +61° 50' 12.5"
spectral = K0IV
appmag_v = 3.41
absmag_v = 2.63
dist_ly = 47
dist_pc = 14.42
names = 3 Cephei, HD 198149, HR 7957, SAO 19019, FK5 783, NSV --, BD +61 2050, HIP 102422

Eta Cephei (η Cep / η Cep) is a Class K0 third-magnitude giant star in the constellation Cepheus. It is occasionally called by the proper name Al Agemim or "Al Agimim" (Arabic الاغميم "al-agimym"), meaning "The Sheep Fold". The Arabs applied this name collectively to Alpha Cephei, Beta Cephei and Eta Cephei.

Eta Cephei is an orange giant star with a very high proper motion on the celestial sphere. It is about 45 light-years from Earth.



External links

* [ Yale Bright Star Catalog; click on Cepheus]

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