UTP may refer to:

* In computer science, unifying theories of programming
* The United Tasmania Party
* In music, the second album from singer/songwriter Tori Amos, "Under the Pink".
* In software testing, unit test plan - see test plan
* Universiti Teknologi Petronas, also known as Petronas University of Technology, located in Tronoh, Perak
* University of Toronto Press
* Universiteit van Theologie en Pastoraat in Heerlen
* In telecommunications, unshielded twisted pair cabling
* Uptown Projects (UTP) Records
* Uptown Projects New Orleans Public Housing
* In genetics, uridine 5'-triphosphate
* UTP - from the German word "Universaler Tiefpunkt" which is the eutectic point in for example "Iron Carbon Diagram"; see: UTP Schweissmaterial GmbH.
* Utp_ - a collaborative DVD/CD by Alva Noto, Ryuichi Sakamoto, and Ensemble Modern.

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  • UTP Schweißmaterial — UTP Schweissmaterial Zweigniederlassung der Böhler Schweisstechnik Deutschland GmbH Rechtsform GmbH Gründung 1953 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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