ISO 26000

ISO 26000

ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, has decided to launch the development of an International Standard providing guidelines for social responsibility (SR) named ISO 26000 or simply "ISO SR" and is expected to be released in 2010 [cite web
title= Future ISO 26000 standard on social responsibility reaches positive turning point
format = HTML
] .

Project aim

There is a range of many different opinions as to the right approach ranging from strict legislation at one end to complete freedom at the other. The project is looking for a golden middle way that promotes respect and responsibility based on known reference documents without stifling creativity and development.

Development leadership

ISO has chosen Swedish Standards Institute (SIS) and ABNT, Brazilian Association of Technical Standards to provide the joint leadership of the ISO Working Group on Social Responsibility (WG SR). The WG SR has been given the task of drafting an International Standard for social responsibility that will be published in 2010 as ISO 26000.

Target: wide range

The need for organizations in both public and private sectors to behave in a socially responsible way is becoming a generalized requirement of society. It is shared by the stakeholder groups that are participating in the WG SR to develop ISO 26000: industry, government, labour, consumers, nongovernmental organizations and others, in addition to geographical and gender-based balance.


External links

* [ About ISO SR]
* [ Presentation of the ISO26000 project, by SIS]
* [ ISO26000 Working documents website]
* [ The ISO Working Group on Social Responsibility: developing the future ISO SR 26000 Standard, briefing paper written by Bart Slob and Gerard Oonk]
* [ ISO 26000 de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (español)]
* [ Portal de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial de Chile(español)]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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