John Le Fondré Jr

John Le Fondré Jr

John Le Fondré is a politician. He entered the States of Jersey in the 2005 Elections, as Deputy for the Parish of St Lawrence. He served as Assistant Finance Minister until 20th July 2007, when he assumed the position of Assistant Chief Minister. [Jersey Evening Post, 24th July 2007]


John Alexander Le Fondré was born in 1966, and is the son of the late Deputy John Le Fondré (after whom the Jersey Airport departures hall is named).

He was educated at Victoria College, and went to Kingston Polytechnic to read Accounting and Finance. This included four months at the business school in Montpellier, France, where he became fluent in French. He graduated with an Upper Second Class Honours and went to work for Ernst and Young, both in Jersey and Luxembourg.

He is a Chartered Accountant, and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (UK) and a member of the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (USA).

He has taken a keen interest in parish affairs, acting as treasurer to the St Lawrence Battle of Flowers Association from 2001 – 2005, and also treasurer to the St Lawrence Parish Magazine – Les Laurentins from 2003 to the present.

He was a Committee Member of the St Lawrence Millennium Committee, and in that capacity also acted as Project Manager for the St Lawrence Millennium Footpath Project (1997 – 2004), also writing and summarising much of the written information on display about the path on the information boards and individual signs, as well as working on the completion of the path itself.

He is a qualified RYA dinghy instructor and has assisted with teaching youngsters to sail in connection with the Royal Channel Island Yacht Club. He has also represented Victoria College, the Parish of St Lawrence, and the Island of Jersey in target shooting.


*Jersey Evening Post
*Election Manifesto Document
* [ Elect Jersey Site]
* [ Election brings 10 new deputies]

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