Gert Jonke

Gert Jonke

Gert Jonke (born February 8, 1946) is an Austrian poet and playwright.


Jonke was born and educated in Klagenfurt, Austria. He attended the Gymnasium (university preparatory school) and the Conservatory. After he served his mandatory military service, he continued his studies at the College of Music and Representative Art in Vienna in the Film and Television Department. He did not, however, complete his studies there, nor his studies of History, Philosophy, Music Theory, or German Studies at the University of Vienna which followed. Despite this, in 1971 he received a scholarship to study in West Berlin, where he stayed for five years. He then lived for a year in London, followed by extensive travels through the Middle East and South America. He then settled again in Austria and now lives in Vienna.


* 1977 Ingeborg Bachmann Prize
* 1980 Literature Prise of the University City of Marburg
* 1988 Prize of the Frankfurt Authors Foundation
* 1991 International Bodensee-Culture Prize
* 1993 Appreciation Prize of the City of Vienna
* 1994 Anton Wildgans Prize
* 1997 Erich Fried Prize
* 1997 Franz Kafka Literature Prize
* 1998 Berlin Literature Prize
* 2001 Grand Austrian State Prize
* 2003 Nestroy Theater Prize "Best Author" for "Chorphantasie"
* 2005 Kleist Prize
* 2006 Arthur Schnitzler Prize
* 2006 Nestroy Theater Prize "Best Author" for "Die versunkene Kathedrale" (The Sunken Cathedral)

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