

Sotho may refer to:

*The Sotho people (or "Basotho"), an African ethnic group principally resident in South Africa and Lesotho.
*The Sotho language ("Sesotho" or "Southern Sotho"), a Bantu Language spoken in southern Africa, an official language of both South Africa and Lesotho.
*The Northern Sotho language (or "Sesotho sa Leboa"), a group of related Bantu dialects classed together as an official language of South Africa.
*The Sotho (S 30, or Sotho-Tswana) language group, a linguistic classification which groups together the related languages Sotho, Northern Sotho, Tswana, and Lozi.
*The Sotho-Tswana people, a group of southern African ethnic groups with a common history, speakers of languages in the Sotho group.
*Lesotho, a country in southern Africa entirely surrounded by South Africa.

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