- Mizz Magazine
Mizz Magazine is a magazine published in the United Kingdom, and is aimed at teenage and pre-teen girls (usually to those between the ages of 11 and 14). Mizz incorporates pages of fashion; displaying clothing trends, using models ranging from 12 to 16 years old. It encourages its readers to write in about events in their life, varying from serious to comic issues. It also contains information about celebrities in a 'gossip' form. The magazine also includes information on how to deal with teenage issues related to puberty, hygiene, friends and relationships. It has a range of competitions and quizzes and posters. It comes out once a fortnight and often comes with freebies.
Say what?
Mizz readers can post comments in this section of the magazine. They usually talk about celebrities, brilliant sections of the magazine or stuff that they really like. A Star Letter is chosen every fortnight. The writer of the Star Letter used to get a T Shirt. You can also post "text messeges" and say "hi" to your friends. Other sections of the Say What? section are "Get It Or Regret It" section which show items that the editor likes, a "Top Pet" section which readers show their pets and a "Sizzlin and Fizzlin section. You can send Mizz your say by email, text or letter.
Real life
In the real life section, every issue shows a different story that someone has shared, about something "crazy,dramatic or unusual", usually there is a story about someone being hurt or a terrible experience. For example, in issue 652 the real life was "I'll never walk again".
External links
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