

Borgo is an Italian word (plural "borghi"), cognate with English "borough", German "Burg", French "bourg", that now usually means the new town outside the walls of an old town (the "paese"). Very often the "borgo" is a distinct "frazione" from the "paese", and its name is that of the town with "Borgo" added, either before or after: for example, the lower town of Trevi is "Borgo Trevi"; the lower town of Cerreto di Spoleto is "Cerreto Borgo".

The word is part of the name of a number of small places throughout Italy, of which the best known is:

* Borgo (rione of Rome) is the fourteenth rione of Rome.

and among which the following full comuni:

*Borgo a Mozzano, in the province of Lucca
*Borgo d'Ale, in the province of Vercelli
*Borgo di Terzo, in the province of Bergamo
*Borgo Pace, in the province of Pesaro e Urbino
*Borgo Priolo, in the province of Pavia
*Borgo San Dalmazzo, in the province of Cuneo
*Borgo San Giacomo, in the province of Brescia
*Borgo San Giovanni, in the province of Lodi
*Borgo San Lorenzo, in the province of Florence
*Borgo San Martino, in the province of Alessandria
*Borgo San Siro, in the province of Pavia
*Borgo Ticino, in the province of Novara
*Borgo Tossignano, in the province of Bologna
*Borgo Val di Taro, in the province of Parma
*Borgo Valsugana, in the province of Trento
*Borgo Velino, in the province of Rieti
*Borgo Vercelli, in the province of Vercelli

* Borgo, Haute-Corse is a commune of the Haute-Corse "département", on the island of Corsica, in France.

Borgo Santa Lucia is an historic rione in the City of Naples

The diminutive form of the word is borghetto ("little borgo"), from which the contracted term ghetto derived.

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