- Panzer I variants
Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf A ohne Aufbau
Actually the first Panzer I vehicles to be built, 15 were completed by the various firms included in the program (
Daimler-Benz ,Henschel ,Krupp ,MAN , andRheinmetall ) to develop their industrial capacity and provide initial training vehicles to theWehrmacht . The Ausf A ohne Aufbau was merely a Panzer I hull without superstructure or turret. The interior was completely open, and was crewed by a driving student and instructor with room for three student observers behind them. The suspension and hull were identical to the Ausf A, but total weight was reduced to 3.5 tons and height to 1.15 m. Performance was similar.Munitionsschlepper auf Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf A
Panzer I Ausf A chassis] .Given the designation SdKfz 111, the Munitionsschlepper (ammunition tractor) was built to provide panzer units with an armored, tracked vehicle for front-line re-supply of tanks. 51 examples were converted from older Ausf A tanks in September 1939. The conversion involved simply removing the turret and providing a two-piece armor plate cover over the resulting opening. This was a rather crude conversion, and served in Poland and France with panzer units. Total weight was a little less than the Ausf A at 5.0 tons and height reduced to 1.4 m. Since some fuel capacity was removed, range was cut to 95 km. No armament was provided.Brückenleger auf Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf A
An attempt to mount bridging equipment on the Ausf A chassis proved impractical due to the weak suspension of the vehicle, although this was later tried with greater success on the
Panzer II chassis.Flammenwerfer auf Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf A
A simple field modification, the Flammenwerfer consisted simply of a portable flamethrower being mounted in place of one of the machine guns with enough fuel for about 10 seconds of firing at a range of up to 25 m. The idea came from an experiment during the
Spanish Civil War intended to give the Panzer I more firepower against close targets. The conversion was not permanent, and was only reported to be used in theBattle of Tobruk by theGerman 5th Light Division .Kleiner Panzerbefehlswagen (klPzBefWg)
Panzer I Ausf B chassis] .Given the designation SdKfz 265, the klPzBefWg was designed from the Ausf A to provide a command vehicle for panzer units. This required lengthening the chassis (by adding a fifth road wheel) and upgrading the engine. Ultimately, this chassis would be the basis for the improved Ausf B version. The klPzBefWg also differed in replacing the turret with a built up superstructure, affording more interior room for command equipment and aFuG6 radio in addition to theFuG2 . A single MG13 orMG34 in a ball mount on the front of the superstructure was provided, although often removed. Slightly heavier (5.9 tons) and taller (1.99 m) than the Ausf B, the klPzBefWg served with all panzer units into the early war years. It did receive an additional 15 mm of armor later, but eventually was moved to auxiliary duties by 1942. 184 were built by Daimler-Benz at the same time as Ausf B production, as well as six examples built from Ausf A tanks.Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf B ohne Aufbau
The Ausf B ohne Aufbau used the same chassis as the Ausf B, but deleted the superstructure and turret. Designed to provide panzer units with a tracked recovery and repair vehicle, 164 were produced alongside the standard Ausf B vehicles. However, the introduction of larger tanks left it unable to do recovery work and by 1940 it was being transferred to training duties. Versus the Ausf B it was much lighter (4.0 tons) and shorter (1.35 m). Like the Ausf A ohne Aufbau, the compartment was open topped, but the hull was armored.
4.7 cm PaK (t) (Sf) auf Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf B
Commonly known as the
Panzerjäger I , this version marked Germany's first attempt at an armored tank destroyer. The turret, was removed and a 4.7 cm PaK (t) antitank gun (captured from Czechoslovakia) with a tall wrap-around gun shield installed instead. Although made from 14.5 mm thick armor plate the shield offered no protection to the rear or above. The gun was capable of 35° of traverse and elevation from -8° to +12°. 86 rounds were carried for the main gun. While performance was similar to the Ausf B, it was heavier at 6.4 tons and taller, 2.25 m, than the B.15 cm sIG 33 (Sf) auf Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf B
Panzer I chassis] .The larger Ausf B chassis made possible the mounting of heavier guns with removal of the turret. The largest was the 150 mm heavy infantry gun, the sIG 33. This mammoth piece was relatively short and fit just barely in a tall superstructure not only built up to the vehicle's 2.8 m height but also out over the tracks to their full 2.06 m width. The superstructure armor was light at only 10 mm and only protected the front and sides. The heavy resulting weight of 8.5 tons overstressed the chassis and utimately, the vehicle was not a great success. 38 were converted from older Ausf B tanks in February 1940 and they served with six heavy SP infantry gun companies with survivors in service into 1943. The sIG mounting was capable of 25 ° of traverse and 75 ° of elevation, and could be depressed to -4 °. It used aRblf36 sight, and ammunition was carried separately, there being no room for onboard shell storage. The sIG would be mounted more successfully on larger chassis as the war progressed.Flammenwerfer auf Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf B
An experiment at a field modification similar to that done to the Ausf A later in North Africa, this conversion was made during the
Spanish Civil War , although there is no record of later use duringWorld War II .Ladungsleger auf Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf B
A field modification kit, the Ladungsleger, or explosives layer, was mounted on the rear deck of an Ausf B tank and used to lay explosives to defeat field fortifications. A number of vehicles were given these kits, with authorized use on the armored engineers company of each Pioneer Battalion.
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