

jMax was a highly-modular visual programming environment for interactive real-time music. It was developed by the real-time team at IRCAM. It was quite similar to PureData and Max. It was introduced (publicly) around 1997 and the last IRCAM version was in 2003.

In August 2008 Maurizio De Cecco and Enzo Maggi "decided to restart the development of jMax" [] .


A last release was made independently from IRCAM in 2004. jMax 4.x had a completely incompatible plugin interface, so for most practical purposes the last stable release was 2.5.1 in 2001, and most available plugins were never ported. Many of the newer features of jMax 4.x were recycled into a library for Max in 2005, which was ported to PureData in 2007.

The original real-team was directed by Francois Dechelle, and included Maurizio De Cecco, Enzo Maggi, Norbert Schnell, Riccardo Borghesi.

A part of the original team restarted the project in 2008 under the name jMax Phoenix.


External links

* [ Official project page]
* [ A concise history and criticism of jMax]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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