- Uaymil
Uaymil is
pre-Columbian Mayaarchaeological site located on the Gulf Coast of northernCampeche . The settlement of Uaymil occupies a smallisland approximately 2.5 kilometers inland from the coast and 25 km north of Jaina. The site has been archaeologically investigated by Rafael Cobos, now of theUniversidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UADY), who documented 15 structures, 8 of which were situated around a plaza containing analtar (Cobos 2001). A number of additionalmonument s andstele were also identified (Cobos et al. 2005).Ceramic data recovered during
archaeological excavation indicate that Uaymil was predominantly a Late to Terminal Classic site.Ceramic , lithic, and architectural data suggest that Uaymil had economic ties with bothUxmal andChichén Itzá (Inurreta and Cobos 2003), but largely functioned as aport directly connected to, and dependent on, Uxmal (Cobos 2004).References
*Cobos P., Rafael (2001) [http://www.famsi.org/reports/00013/ "Classic Maya Seaports: Uaymil, North Campeche Coast". Report submitted to the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies (FAMSI).]
*Cobos P., Rafael (2004) Entre la costa y el interior: Reconocimiento de una región del occidente de Yucatán. En "XVII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 2003", edited by J.P. Laporte, B. Arroyo, H. Escobedo and H. Mejía, pp.61-66. Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, Guatemala.
*Cobos P., Rafael, Lilia Fernández Souza, and Nancy Peniche May (2005) Las columnatas de Uaymil: su función durante el Clásico Terminal." In "Los Investigadores de la Cultura Maya 13", Vol. I, pp. 245-252. Universidad Autónoma de Campeche, Campeche.
*Inurreta Díaz, Armando, and Rafael Cobos (2003) El Intercambio Marítimo Durante el Clásico Terminal: Uaymil en la Costa Occidental de Yucatán. In "XVI Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala", Vol. 2, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte, Bárbara Arroyo, Héctor L. Escobedo and Héctor E. Mejía, pp. 1023-1029. Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Asociación Tikal. Ciudad de Guatemala.
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