Rainer Blüm

Rainer Blüm

Rainer Blüm is a German citizen from Bensheim who has pleaded guilty to producing and selling forged philatelic material, including cancellations and expertizing certifications. One survey of his false postmarks identifies 200 town names and almost 600 distinct cancellations, most applied to relatively inexpensive German stamps from the first half of the twentieth century. In September 2006 was sentenced to four years of probation. If he breaks the terms of his probation, he will be sentenced to two years of jail time.

ee also

*Philatelic fakes and forgeries


*"Philatelie", November 2006.
*"Stamp Magazine", February 2007, page 9.

External links

* [http://www.filatelia.fi/forgeries/blum.html English-language article and list of Blüm's forged cancellations]
* [http://www.phila-kompass.de German-language site with extensive listing and examples of the forged cancellations]

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