- Rosa glauca
image_width = 240px
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Rosales
familia =Rosaceae
subfamilia =Rosoideae
genus = "Rosa "
species = "R. glauca"
binomial = "Rosa glauca"
binomial_authority = Pourret"Rosa glauca" (Red-leaved Rose or Redleaf Rose; syn. "R. rubrifolia") is a species of
rose native to the mountains of central and southernEurope , from SpanishPyrenees east toBulgaria and north toGermany andPoland .It is a
deciduous archingshrub of sparsely bristled and thorny cinnamon-coloured arching canes 1.5-3 m tall. The most distinctive feature is its leaves, which are glaucous blue-green to coppery or purplish, and covered with a waxy bloom; they are 5-10 cm long and have 5-9 leaflets. The fragile, clear pinkflowers are 2.5-4 cm diameter, and are produced in clusters of two to five. Thefruit is a dark red globose hip 10-15 mm diameter.Cultivation and uses
This rose was not widely grown in gardens until the end of the 19th century, when its refined wildness and beauty out of the flowering season first began to be appreciated. The flower petals fall off easily in the spray from watering hoses, as well as from wind and rain. The species is naturalised in northern Europe north of its native range, particularly in
Scandinavia .A hybrid with "
Rosa rugosa " has been given thecultivar name 'Carmenetta'.References
* [http://rbg-web2.rbge.org.uk/cgi-bin/nph-readbtree.pl/feout?FAMILY_XREF=&GENUS_XREF=Rosa+&SPECIES_XREF=glauca&TAXON_NAME_XREF=&RANK=species Flora Europaea: "Rosa glauca"]
* [http://www.pfaf.org/database/plants.php?Rosa+glauca Plants for a Future: "Rosa glauca"]
*Blamey, M. & Grey-Wilson, C. (1989). "Flora of Britain and Northern Europe". Hodder & Stoughton. ISBN 0-340-40170-2.
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