- Cas Corach
Irish mythology , Cas Corach was a hero who helpedCaílte mac Rónáin kill threewerewolf -like creatures, the daughters ofAiritech cite book
last =Windisch
first =Ernst
authorlink =
coauthors =
title =Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch; The story of the three She wolves
publisher =Hirzel
date =1900
location =Original from Harvard University
pages =page 264
url =http://books.google.com/books?id=tqRqtslG4ngC&pg=PA264&dq=Airitech&as_brr=1&client=firefox-a#PPA264,M1
doi =
id = ] who would come out of theCave of Cruachan every year aroundSamhain and destroy sheep. The she-wolves liked music, so he aided in their slaying by playing a harp to attract and distract them and by persuading them to change to human form, whileCaoilte cast a spear that penetrated all three, thereby killing them.The "Oxford Dictionary of Celtic Mythology" states that Cas Corach, (also spelled Cascorrach, Cas Corrach), is a harper of
Tuatha Dé Danann , who played forSt. Patrick . He follows Caílte to learn of the patriotic lore of the Ferians, as told in the Alccallam na Senòrach. It makes no reference to Airitech or his werewolf daughters. It should be noted that werewolves are not native to Celtic/Irish folklore and mythology and therefore if he killed female wolf-like creatures they would not have been werewolves in a true sense.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.