

name = "Eriauchenius"

image_caption =
image_width = 250px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Arachnida
ordo = Araneae
subordo = Araneomorphae
familia = Archaeidae
subfamilia =
genus = "Eriauchenius"
genus_authority = O. P-Cambridge, 1881
diversity_link = List of Archaeidae species#Eriauchenius
diversity = 10 species
type_species = "Eriauchenius workmanni"
type_species_authority = O. P-Cambridge

range_map_width = 250px
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.

"Eriauchenius" is a genus of assassin spiders that occurs almost exclusively on Madagascar.

About ten species have been discovered as of 2006.


* "Eriauchenius bourgini" (Millot, 1948) (Madagascar)
* "Eriauchenius cornutus" (Lotz, 2003) (South Africa)
* "Eriauchenius gracilicollis" (Millot, 1948) (Madagascar)
* "Eriauchenius jeanneli" (Millot, 1948) (Madagascar)
* "Eriauchenius legendrei" (Platnick, 1991) (Madagascar)
* "Eriauchenius pauliani" (Legendre, 1970) (Madagascar)
* "Eriauchenius ratsirarsoni" (Lotz, 2003) (Madagascar)
* "Eriauchenius tsingyensis" (Lotz, 2003) (Madagascar)
* "Eriauchenius vadoni" (Millot, 1948) (Madagascar)
* "Eriauchenius workmani" O. P.-Cambridge, 1881 (Madagascar)


* World Spider Catalog 7.5: [ Archaeidae]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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