

In the Welsh language, caer means "fortress", "fort" or "citadel"/"castle".

Caer is the Welsh name for the city of Chester, situated in northwest England. It also forms, as a prefix, the Welsh equivalent of -caster, -cester and -chester in place names. The English word derives from Latin "castrum" "fortified post", more common in the plural "castra" meaning "military camp" and is the equivalent of "castell" (castle) in Welsh. The word "caer" itself derives from the Brythonic word *"kagro-", as does the word "cae" (modern Welsh for "field", i.e. an enclosed piece of land). ["Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, vol. 1, p. 384.]

Examples in Wales include:Caerdydd (originally Caerdyf) - Fortress of (the river) Taf;Caergybi - Fortress of Saint Cybi;Caernarfon - Fortress in Arfon.

Examples of Welsh "Caer" names as exonyms for English cities:Caerfuddai - Chichester;Caergaint - Canterbury;Caergrawnt - Cambridge;Caerhirfryn - Lancaster;Caerliwelydd - Carlisle;Caerloyw - Gloucester;Caerlwytgoed - Lichfield;Caerlyr - Leicester;Caersallog - Salisbury;Caerwrangon - Worcester;Caerwynt - Winchester;Caerwysg - Exeter


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