- Veritas
Roman mythology , Veritas (meaning "truth") was thegoddess oftruth , a daughter of Saturn and the mother ofVirtue . It was believed that she hid in the bottom of aholy well because she was so elusive. Her image is shown as a young virgin dressed in white. [Mercantante, Anthony S. "The Fact on File Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend". Facts on File, 1988, p. 654, ISBN 0-8160-1049-8.] Veritas is also the name given to theRoman virtue of truthfulness, which was considered one of the main virtues any good Roman should have possessed. InGreek mythology , Veritas was known as Aletheia.This
Latin word now appears in manyUniversity motto s. It is included inYale University 's motto "Lux et Veritas" (Light and Truth). Veritas is also the motto ofHarvard University , theDominican Order of theRoman Catholic Church , andProvidence College which is run by the Dominicans. It is also used in the phrasein vino veritas , meaning "In wine, truth". It is also a design university, "Universidad Veritas" in San Jose, Costa Rica.One of Holland's most famous fraternities is also called Veritas, under the sentence Deus Scientiarum Dominus.
Public Affairs Officers in the Canadian Forces wear insignia emblazened with the word "Veritas" as part of their standard uniform.
External links
* [http://www.formalontology.it/aletheia.htm History of Truth: From the Greek "Aletheia" to the Latin "Veritas"]
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