

name = "Timema"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Insecta
ordo = Phasmatodea
subordo = Timematodea
familia = Timematidae
subfamilia = Timematinae
tribe = Timematini
genus = "Timema"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision ="Timema bartmani"
"Timema boharti"
"Timema californicum"
"Timema chumash"
"Timema coffmani"
"Timema cristinae"
"Timema dorotheae"
"Timema douglasi"
"Timema genevievae"
"Timema knulli"
"Timema landelsensis"
"Timema monikensis"
"Timema morongensis"
"Timema nakipa"
"Timema nevadense"
"Timema petita"
"Timema podura"
"Timema poppensis"
"Timema ritensis"
"Timema shepardi"
"Timema tahoe"

"Timema" is the sole genus of the suborder Timematodea. They differ from the other suborders of the Phasmatodea in that their tarsi have three, rather than five, segments.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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