Political groups during Vladimir Putin's presidency

Political groups during Vladimir Putin's presidency

At the very beginning of his presidency, Vladimir Putin announced that he was going to consolidate political powers in Russia into the so-called power vertical. However, despite being considered successful by many, this controversial endeavour partially backfired and led to the increasing factionalism within the president's inner circle. Although other institutions now became largely irrelevant, disputes and clashes between Kremlin factions, rather than thepresident's will, are getting more and more important in determining major policy outcomes. [* [http://www.fbird.com/assets/The%20Siloviki%20in%20Putins%20Russia%20Who%20They%20Are%20and%20What%20They%20Want__1272006135841.pdf The Siloviki in Putin’s Russia: Who They Are and What They Want] by Ian Bremmer and Samuel Charap, The Washington Quarterly 30.1 (2006-2007).]

As President Vladimir Putin, former employee of the Leningrad and Leningrad Oblast KGB Directorate and former Chief of the Committee for External Relations of Saint Petersburg Mayor's Office, had come to the presidency in 2000, many political observers noticed quick career promotion of bureaucracy and businesspeople from Saint Petersburg to the federal power bodies (especially the Presidential Executive Office, a very influential institution that has always been totally controlled by the presidential authority) and large state-controlled companies (such as Gazprom and Rosneft) and their struggle against old Moscow elites loyal to Boris Yeltsin's family, known as "Family group", as well as against influential media tycoon Boris Berezovsky and his allies, who helped Putin on his way to power in 1999 - 2000. [ [http://www.anticompromat.org/oligarhi/ppo.html Происхождение путинской олигархии] (Origins of Putin's oligarchy) by Vladimir Pribylovsky (2005).] [ [http://www.ft.com/cms/s/d776a916-ff2f-11da-84f3-0000779e2340.html Back in business - how Putin's allies are turning Russia into a corporate state] by Neil Buckley and Arkady Ostrovsky, The Financial Times, June 19, 2006.] [ [http://www.guardian.co.uk/russia/article/0,2763,1522191,00.html Meet the chief exec of Kremlin inc ...] by Nick Paton Walsh, The Guardian, July 6, 2005.] [ [http://www.mosnews.com/commentary/2004/07/28/sechin.shtml St. Petersburg Team Building Their Own ’Family’] by Dmitry Koptev, The Moscow News, July 28, 2004,] [ [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A18629-2005Apr27.html As Russian's Trial Ends, So Does Era Of First Oligarchs] by Peter Finn, The Washington Post, April 27, 2005.]


During the final years of Boris Yeltsin's presidency, Alexander Voloshin, chief of the Presidential Executive Office, was considered to be the most influential figure within the Family group, somewhat shady though, dominating Russia's politics of that time [http://www.cdi.org/russia/johnson/7184-19.cfm] [http://vesti.lenta.ru/daynews/2000/03/29/20government/] [http://www.cdi.org/russia/johnson/7167-13.cfm] .

In 1999 the Family group, Vladimir Putin, Boris Berezovsky and their allies united their efforts in order to prevent coming to power of the Fatherland-All Russia political alliance of former Prime Minster Yevgeny Primakov and Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov that was supported by media tycoon Vladimir Gusinsky and to some extent by the public opinion. The efforts were successful, but as soon as Putin had won the 2000 presidential election, an acute conflict with Boris Berezovsky developed, and in 2002 Berezovsky fled to London. As a result, Russian authorities consolidated their power over Russian TV companies NTV and ORT previously controlled by Vladimir Gusinsky and Boris Berezovsky, respectively. [http://lenta.ru/articles/2005/06/10/intrigues/] [http://www.lib.ru/HISTORY/FELSHTINSKY/naslednik.txt] [http://www.smi.ru/text/01/12/10/34788.htm]

The Family group has also almost entirely lost its influence by 2004 after the dismissals of Alexander Voloshin (October 2003), Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov (February 2004) and some key figures of his Cabinet, but some of the group's members secured their political survival. Vladislav Surkov, initially being an aide to Voloshin, gained much influence, as well as Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov, who had leaned towards new Saint Petersburg elites and whose son had become Igor Sechin's son-in-law. Tycoon Roman Abramovich, who had leaned towards the Family group in the 1990s, also remained influential, as well as former Mass Media Minister Mikhail Lesin. Each of them, however, had already distanced away from the Family group by that time.

As the Family group had lost its influence, especially during Vladimir Putin's second four-year presidential term (since May 72004), some conflicts between parts of the new elites of Saint Petersburg origin became evident, as witnessed e.g. by the disputes over the fate of YUKOS, failed project of merging Rosneft and Gazprom, struggle for Sibneft and upcoming 2008 presidential election, some appointments and dismissals in Mikhail Fradkov's Second Cabinet and consequences of the Three Whales Corruption Scandal, but the exact configuration of these new groups still remains unclear. However, it is widely acknowledged that Igor Sechin and Dmitry Medvedev are key figures heading their own factions and opposed to each other but both very close to Putin. Former Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov is considered close ally of Sechin. ( [http://www.stringer-news.ru/publication.mhtml?Part=50&PubID=6733] [http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/05_12/b3925073_mz054.htm] [http://www.cdi.org/russia/johnson/9069-15.cfm] [http://www.cdi.org/russia/johnson/9185-10.cfm] [http://www.deloros.ru/news/smi/2005/06/24/smi_945.html?template=24] [http://2006.novayagazeta.ru/nomer/2006/94n/n94n-s01.shtml] [http://www.ft.com/cms/s/8f7e778a-8c51-11d9-a895-00000e2511c8.html] [http://www.ruscourier.ru/archive/1286] [http://www.anticompromat.ru/putin/5bashen.html] [http://www.deloros.ru/news/smi/2005/06/24/smi_945.html?template=24] [http://www.apn.ru/news/article11530.htm] [http://www.echo.msk.ru/programs/politic/48964/] [http://echo.msk.ru/programs/politic/49642/index.phtml] [http://www.guardian.co.uk/russia/article/0,2763,1642664,00.html] [http://www.kommersant.com/page.asp?id=588623] [http://www.ft.com/cms/s/c7b00acc-95c2-11d9-bc72-00000e2511c8.html] [http://www.ft.com/cms/s/4b7fe604-c6da-11d9-a700-00000e2511c8.html] [http://www.kommersant.com/page.asp?id=735542] [http://www.kommersant.com/p511585/r_1/Damage_Control/] [http://www.kommersant.com/page.asp?id=583190] [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/02/AR2006060200816.html?referrer=delicious] [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/02/15/AR2007021501526_pf.html] [http://www.echo.msk.ru/guests/11527/] [http://echo.msk.ru/programs/albac/43920/] )


This is a list of people who had ties with Vladimir Putin or his closest allies in Saint Petersburg and have been quickly promoted to important positions under him as FSB Director, Prime Minister and President. The list is arranged by the probable origin of their ties.

Colleagues of Putin at the Leningrad and Leningrad Oblast KGB Directorate

:Alexander Bortnikov (considered an ally of Igor Sechin) [http://anticompromat.ru/bortnikov/bortnikbio.html] :Viktor Cherkesov [http://anticompromat.ru/cherkesov/cherkesbio.html] :Valery Golubev (also worked in Saint Petersburg Mayor's Office) [http://anticompromat.ru/golubev/golubbio.html] :Sergei Ivanov [http://anticompromat.ru/ivanov01/ivan01bio.html] :Nikolai Patrushev (classmate of Boris Gryzlov and Sergei Smirnov) [http://anticompromat.ru/patrushev/patrushbio.html] :Georgy Poltavchenko [http://anticompromat.ru/poltavchenko/poltavbio.html] :Sergei Smirnov (classmate of Nikolai Patrushev and Boris Gryzlov, fellow student of Boris Gryzlov at the institute) [http://anticompromat.ru/smirnov02/smirn02bio.html]

…and participants of the Soviet war in Afghanistan

:Alexander Grigoryev [http://anticompromat.ru/grigoriev01/grig01bio.html] :Alexander Gromov [http://anticompromat.ru/gromov02/grom02bio.html] :Viktor Ivanov (business partner of Boris Gryzlov) [http://anticompromat.ru/ivanov02/ivan02bio.html]

People that have got acquainted with Putin during his work in Dresden

:Andrey Belyaninov [http://anticompromat.ru/belyaninov/belyanbio.html] :Sergey Chemezov [http://anticompromat.ru/chemezov/chemezbio.html] :Oleg Safonov

Employees of the Saint Petersburg Mayor's Office Committee for External Relations led by Putin in 1991-1996

:Vladimir Churov:Dmitry Medvedev [http://anticompromat.ru/medvedevd/medvedbio.html] :Alexey Miller [http://anticompromat.ru/miller/millbio.html] :Oleg Safonov:Igor Sechin (father-in-law of Vladimir Ustinov's son and a close associate of Sergey Bogdanchikov and Gennady Timchenko) [http://anticompromat.ru/sechin/sechbio.html] :Viktor Zubkov (father-in-law of Anatoly Serdyukov and unsuccessful contender in the 1999 Leningrad Oblast Governor election assisted by Boris Gryzlov as his campaign manager) [http://anticompromat.ru/zubkov/zubkbio.html]

Colleagues of Putin from other committees of Saint Petersburg Mayor's Office

:German Gref [http://anticompromat.ru/gref/grefbio.html] :Dmitry Kozak [http://anticompromat.ru/kozakd/kozakbio.html] :Alexey Kudrin (started his promotion before Putin) [http://anticompromat.ru/kudrin/kudrbio.html] :Sergei Naryshkin [http://anticompromat.ru/naryshkin/naryshkbio.html] :Valery Nazarov [http://anticompromat.ru/nazarov/nazarbio.html]

Fellow students of Dmitry Medvedev at the Law Department of Leningrad State University graduated in 1987

:Konstantin Chuychenko [http://anticompromat.ru/chuychenko/chuychbio.html] :Anton Ivanov [http://anticompromat.ru/ivanov04/ivan4bio.html] :Nikolay Vinnichenko [http://anticompromat.ru/vinichenko/vinichbio.html] :Ilya Yeliseyev [http://anticompromat.ru/eliseev/elisbio.html]

Colleagues of Nikolay Patrushev from the Karelian KGB Directorate of the early 1990s

:Vladimir Anisimov:Rashid Nurgaliyev [http://anticompromat.ru/nurgaliev/nurgalbio.html] :Vladimir Pronichev [http://anticompromat.ru/pronichev/pronichbio.html] :Yury Zaostrovtsev [http://anticompromat.ru/zaostrovtsev/zaostrbio.html]

Other close associates of Vladimir Putin

:Boris Gryzlov (classmate of Nikolay Patrushev and Sergei Smirnov, business partner of Viktor Ivanov, ally of Viktor Zubkov) [http://anticompromat.ru/gryzlov/gryzbio.html] :Andrei Fursenko [http://anticompromat.ru/fursenko_a/furs01bio.html] :Mikhail Kovalchuk [http://anticompromat.ru/kovalch2/kovalch2bio.html] :Yury Kovalchuk [http://anticompromat.ru/kovalch1/kovalch1bio.html] :Vladimir Kozhin [http://anticompromat.ru/kozhin/kozhinbio.html] :Sergey Mironov [http://anticompromat.ru/mironov/mironbio.html] :Sergey Pugachyov:Leonid Reiman [http://anticompromat.ru/reiman/reimbio.html] :Anatoly Serdyukov (son-in-law of Viktor Zubkov, ally of Viktor Ivanov) [http://anticompromat.ru/serdiukov/serdiukbio.html] :Vladimir Smirnov [http://anticompromat.ru/smirnov01/smirn01bio.html] :Sergey Sobyanin (ally of Surgutneftegaz CEO Vladimir Bogdanov) [http://anticompromat.ru/sobyanin/sobyanbio.html] :Vladislav Surkov (former ally of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Alexander Voloshin) [http://anticompromat.ru/surkov/surkbio.html] :Gennady Timchenko [http://anticompromat.ru/timchenko/timchbio.html] :Vladimir Ustinov (previously loyal to Boris Yeltsin's family, now a close ally of Igor Sechin) [http://anticompromat.ru/ustinov/ustinbio.html] :Vladimir Yakunin [http://anticompromat.ru/yakunin/yakunbio01.html] :Viktor Zolotov (bodyguard of Putin in the 1990s) [http://anticompromat.ru/zolotov/zolot1bio.html]


ee also


External links

* [http://www.fbird.com/assets/The%20Siloviki%20in%20Putins%20Russia%20Who%20They%20Are%20and%20What%20They%20Want__1272006135841.pdf The Siloviki in Putin’s Russia: Who They Are and What They Want] by Ian Bremmer and Samuel Charap, The Washington Quarterly 30.1 (2006-2007).
* [http://www.anticompromat.org/oligarhi/ppo.html Происхождение путинской олигархии] (Origins of Putin's oligarchy) by Vladimir Pribylovsky (2005).

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