San Salvatore in Lauro

San Salvatore in Lauro

San Salvatore in Lauro (St. Salvatore at the Laurels) is a Catholic church in central Rome, found in the rione Ponte. The current Cardinal-Protector is Angelo Cardinal Comastri.

The first church at the site dates to the 11th century; while the present building was constructed in the 16th century on designs of the Bolognese Ottaviano Mascherino.

The main altarpiece and cupola are painted by Ludovico Rusconi Sassi. In the chapels are works of art by Antoniazzo Romano, Camillo Rusconi, François Duquesnoy, Alessandro Turchi and a "Nativity" by Pietro da Cortona. The refectory has a series of Mannerist frescoes (1550) by Francesco Salviati (1550), and contains the 15th century tomb of Pope Eugene IV, transferred here from the Old Saint Peter's Basilica.

The titular church was first established in 1587 as a Cardinal-Priest title but was suppressed in 1670. In the consistory of 24 November 2007 Pope Benedict XVI restored the church as a Cardinal Deaconry.

List of Cardinal Protectors

*Scipione Cardinal Lancellotti (20 Apr 1587 - 2 Jun 1598)
*Luca Antonio Cardinal Virili (17 Dec 1629 - 4 Jun 1634 )
*Ciriaco Cardinal Rocci (13 Aug 1635 - 25 Sep 1651 )
*Pietro Vito Cardinal Ottoboni (19 Feb 1652 - 15 Nov 1660)
*Angelo Cardinal Comastri (24 Nov 2007 - )

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