Peter Diamandis

Peter Diamandis

Infobox Person
name = Peter H. Diamandis

image_size =
caption = Dr. Diamandis experiencing Zero-G in a Vomit comet
birth_name =
birth_date = birthdate and age|1961|5|20
birth_place = The Bronx, New York, NY, USA
death_date =
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nationality = American-Greek
other_names =
known_for = Personal spaceflight industry
education = MIT and Harvard Medical School
employer = X Prize Foundation
occupation = Entrepreneur
title = Chairman
salary =
networth =
height =
weight =
term =
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party =
boards =
religion =
spouse =
partner =
children =
parents =
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website =
footnotes =

Dr. Peter H. Diamandis (born 20 May 1961 in Bronx, New York) of Greek immigrant parents, is considered a key figure in the development of the personal spaceflight industry, having created many space-related businesses or organizations. He is the Founder and Chairman of the X PRIZE Foundation, an educational non-profit prize institute whose mission is to create radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity.

His foundation is best known for offering the $10 million Ansari X PRIZE for private-sector manned spaceflight, a prize that was won in October of 2004 by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen and famed aviation designer Burt Rutan with SpaceShipOne, the world's first non-government piloted spacecraft. More recently, Diamandis has created the Rocket Racing League. Born as a cross between Indy car racing and rocket powered flight, RRL is developing a brand new motor sport.

Besides serving as chairman of the X PRIZE Foundation, Diamandis is also the CEO and co-founder of Zero Gravity Corporation, which offers parabolic weightless flights to the general public. He is also the co-Founder and a Director of Space Adventures, Ltd the company that has flown four private citizens on Soyuz to the International Space Station.

Notable achievements

Diamandis also:
*Served as CEO of BlastOff! Corporation, which designed a private mission to land on the Moon as a mix of entertainment, internet and space. The company brought together talent from NASA/JPL and Hollywood.
*Served as CEO of, a spin-off company from BlastOff! Designed to provide a global peer-to-peer television network for broadcasting unique content to the desktop.
*Served as Chairman of an Internet channel for space exploration for kids of all ages. The site represents over twenty astronauts and features space heroes, missions and simulations. ( Sold to (
*Served as President & EVP Business Development of Angel Technologies Corporation - Angel Technologies Corporation is a commercial communications company developing wireless broadband communications networks (
*Co-founded Space Adventures Ltd. in 1994 (, a leading space- tourism company. Space Adventures arranged Dennis Titos flight to the International Space Station in 2001 (the first space tourist).
*Served as Vice President of Commercial Space Programs for CTA Inc., a $190M revenue space technology company responsible for developing new CTA commercial space initiatives in small satellite remote sensing and communications.
*Founded and served as Director of Constellation Communications, Inc. (CCI) in 1991. CCI was one of five low-Earth orbit applicants designing a Low Earth Orbit satellite constellation for voice telephony. Constellation plans to deploy an equatorial ring of 10 satellites to provide communications primarily to Brazil and Indonesia.
*Founded and served as CEO of International MicroSpace, Inc. (IMI) in 1989. IMI was an entrepreneurial space technologies company focusing on the provision of low-cost launch services (ORBEX launch vehicle program). IMI was awarded a launch services contract for 1 launch plus 9 options from SDIO worth up to $125M. IMI was purchased by CTA Incorporated in 1993 and closed down in 1994 after SDIO canceled the contract.
*Founded and served as Managing Director & CEO of International Space University (ISU) in 1987. ISU is the world's leading graduate program for multi-national and multi-disciplinary study of space involving over 30 nations and 140 graduates per year. ISU has established a $30M graduate level campus in Strasbourg, France. During the period 1992–1994, Diamandis served as Co-Chair of the ISU Business & Management Department. (
*Co-founded and served as director of the Space Generation Foundation, a non-profit organization established in 1985 to create, in all people born since the advent of the Space Age on 4 October 1957, a sense of identity — an awareness that they are born as members of a space-faring race. The Foundation supports numerous educational and research projects.
*Founded SpaceFair in 1983. SpaceFair is a national space conferences hosted by MIT in '83, '85, and '87.
*Founded Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) in 1980. SEDS currently is the world's largest college and high school-based student pro-space organization. (


Diamandis received undergraduate and graduate degrees in aerospace engineering and health, sciences and technology from MIT where he became a brother of the Theta Deuteron charge of Theta Delta Chi. He got an M.D. from Harvard Medical School.


*1983 MIT John Asinari Award for outstanding Undergrad Life Sciences research.
*1984 MIT William L. Stewart, Jr Award for the Founding of SEDS.
*1985–1986 Harvard Med. School Student Research Grant American Heart Assoc.
*1986–1987 Biomedical Research Support Grant supported by the NIH.
*1986 Space Industrialization Fellowship presented by the Space Foundation.
*1988 Aviation Week & Space Tech. Laurel in recognition of Founding ISU..
*1992 Space Frontiers Foundation "Pioneers Award" Presented for cumulative work done in the commercialization and development of the space field.
*1994 "Top-25 Young Stars of Space" award presented by the National Space Society for outstanding work done by space pioneers under the age of 40.
*"Konstantine E. Tsiolkovsky Award" presented by the Russian Government for the creation of ISU (along with T. Hawley and R. Richards).
*2002 World Technology Award, presented by the World Technology Counsel
*2006 Robert & Virginia Heinlein Prize, for Advances in Space Commercialization [cite news |work=Houston Chronicle |title=Leader in space tourism wins prize |url= |date=2006-05-25 |first=Mark |last=Carreau]



* [ Diamandis biography on Zero-Gravity website]
* [ X PRIZE Foundation website]
* [ Testimony by Peter Diamandis to U.S. House]
* [ Wired magazine: Who needs NASA?]
* [ BBC News: X-Prize man launches rocket race]
* [ The NeXt-Prize: An interview with Peter Diamandis]
* [ Philanthropy: "Extraordinary Feats of an X-Man"]

External links

* [ Peter Diamandis talks about the X PRIZE and future of space travel (MIT Video)]
* [ Peter Diamandis talks about the X PRIZE,Zero gravity,Rocket race league (open ssp08 lecture @ barcelona,spain)] [ SSP08 podcast ] [ /rss feed]

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