

Ankhu was an Egyptian vizier who lived in the 13th Dynasty around 1750 BC.Ankhu is known from several monuments dating to the reigns of king Khendjer and Sobekhotep II, attesting that he served several kings. Ankhu appears in Papyrus Boulaq 18 as the head of the court officials. The papyrus is dated to the reign of Sobekhotep II and mentions Queen Aya. The queen's image appears also on a stela which shows that she was part of Ankhu's family. A stela found at Abydos dated to the reign of Khendjer reports on building works at the Osiris temple. In the Amun temple at Karnak he erected a statue of himself, of his father and of his mother. The latter is one of the very few statues belonging to a woman placed in this temple.

Ankhu was the son of a vizier and the father of two viziers. The family formed a strong dynasty of high court officials.


* K.S.B. Ryholt, "The Political Situation in Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period" ("Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications", vol. 20. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 1997), p. 243-45

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