Hinduism in Zimbabwe

Hinduism in Zimbabwe

[http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71332.htm IRF 2006] reported that there are small number of Hindus in Zimbabwe.

Hindu Primary and Secondary schools are found in the major urban areas such as Harare and Bulawayo.

Hinduism in Zimbabwe

Hindu Society is mainly concentrated in the capital city of Harare.

This community, representing all sects of Hinduism, has taken several initiatives to keep Hindu traditions alive so that future generations can live according to dharma.

Hindu Society mainly consists of Gujaratis, Goanese and Tamil.

Hindu Religious and Cultural Institute (HRCI) in Zimbabwe

The Hindu Religious and Cultural Institute (HRCI) is dedicated in teaching Sanatana Dharma to children born into Hindu families of Zimbabwe, but non-Hindus can also study here.

Most Hindu families who live in Zimbabwe still have links with India.

Gujarati language is taught in HRCI.

HRCI also publishes books offering religious education for Hindus.

Hindu Associations in Zimbabwe





TAMIL SANGAM, University of Zimbabwe, POB MP 167 Mount Pleasant, HARARE , ZIMBABWE

Brahma Kumaris in Zimbabwe

Brahma Kumaris have three Centres in Zimbabwe

Centre-1, Main centre- Raja Yoga Centre, 23 Divine Road, Milton Park, Harare

Centre 2- Raja Yoga Centre, 17 Heyman Road, Seventh Street, Suburbs, PO Box 140, Bulawayo

Centre- 3, Raja Yoga Centre,7 Shoppers Arcade, Vic Falls

ISKCON in Zimbabwe

ISKCON has a Centre at Marondera.

Ramakrishna Vedanta Society in Zimbabwe

Ramakrishna Vedanta Society has one Centre at 35, Rhodes Avenue, Belvedere, Harare, Zimbabwe.

External links

* [http://www.hindoosociety.co.zw Harare Hindu Society]
* [http://www.hinduismtoday.com/archives/1991/01/1991-01-04.shtml Hindus in Zimbabwe]
* [http://moia.gov.in/showsublink.asp?sublinkid=249 Hindu Associations in Zimbabwe]
* [http://www.bkwsu.org//whereweare/center Brahma Kumaris Centres in Zimbabwe]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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