Warmund, Patriarch of Jerusalem

Warmund, Patriarch of Jerusalem

Warmund, also "Garmond", "Gormond", "Germond", "Guarmond", or "Waremond", was a Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem from 1118 to his death at Sidon in 1128. He was from Picquigny in Picardy.

In 1120, with King Baldwin II, he convened the Council of Nablus. The canons of the council served as a sort of concordat between the church of Outremer and the Crusader States. The first canon is a promise by Baldwin to surrender the appropriate tithes to the patriarch, namely those from his own royal estates in Jerusalem, Nablus, and Acre. In the second canon, Baldwin requests forgiveness for the tithes he had previously withheld, and Warmund absolves him in the third. This shows that the church was able to assert its rights in the Crusader kingdom, a victory in the Investiture Controversy still raging in Europe.

In 1123, he negotiated an alliance between Jerusalem and the Republic of Venice. This was finalised in the treaty which bears his name: the "Pactum Warmundi" (from his Latin name "Warmundus"). [Norwich, 89.]



*Norwich, John Julius. "A History of Venice". Alfred A. Knopf: New York, 1982.

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