Roel Dieltiens

Roel Dieltiens

Roel Dieltiens (born 1957) is a Belgian cellist. He began his cello studies at the age of 15. [ [ Biography] ]


In 1979 he started studies with André Messens at the Royal Flemish Conservatory in Antwerp and at the Music Chapel of Queen Elisabeth near Brussels. Then he studied with Pierre Fournier in Genève, and with André Navarra in Siena, Wolfenbüttel, and Detmold.

He has appeared as a soloist with conductors such as F. Brüggen, J. Caeyers and Ph. Herreweghe. In 1992 he was acclaimed Artist of the Year by the Flanders International Festival. His recordings of cello concerti by Vivaldi won the Diapason d'Or Prize of 1998 and the Caecilia Prize of 1999.

He has been particularly interested in contemporary music, collaborating with the Belgian composers Luc van Hove, Victor Legley, Jacqueline Fontyn, and the American William Bolcom. In 1995 he founded the ensemble Explorations.

He is currently teaching the cello at the Lemmens Institute in Leuven and at the Musikhochschule Winterthur Zürich.


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