

Albunea was in Roman mythology a prophetic nymph or Sibyl, a naiad who lived in the sulfuric spring near Tivoli, with a well and a temple.Citation | last = Schmitz | first = Leonhard | author-link = | contribution = Albunea | editor-last = Smith | editor-first = William | title = Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology | volume = 1 | pages = 94 | publisher = Little, Brown and Company | place = Boston | year = 1867 | contribution-url = ] Near it was the oracle of Faunus Fatidicus. [Virgil, "Aeneid" vii. 81, &c.] [Horace, "Carmina" i. 7. 12] [Tibullus, ii. 5. 69] Lactantius states that the tenth Sibyl, called Albunea, was worshiped at Tibur, and that her image, holding a book in one hand, was found in the bed of the river Anio. [Lactantius, "De Sibyll." i. 6] Her "sortes", or oracles, which belonged to the Lang-lat|libri fatales were, at the command of the senate, deposited and kept in the Capitol. The small square temple of this Sibyl is still extant at Tivoli.

Her name is derived from the whiteness (from "albinus", "white") of the sulfurous water at her spring.Citation | last = Harrison | first = Stephen J. | author-link = | contribution = Albunea | editor-last = Hornblower | editor-first = Simon | title = Oxford Classical Dictionary | volume = | pages = | publisher = Oxford University Press | place = Oxford | year = 1996 | contribution-url = ] She was one of the Pegaeae.


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