Beurre noisette

Beurre noisette

"Beurre noisette" (French: literally, "hazelnut butter", sometimes loosely translated as "brown butter") [Julia Child (1961), "Mastering the Art of French Cooking", Alfred A. Knopf] is frequently used in French pastry production. It can also be used as a warm sauce to accompany a variety of savory foods such as winter vegetables [ [ The Cookbook Critic: Off the Shelf: Pasta with Pumpkin and Sage Brown Butter ] ] , pasta [ [ goat's cheese ravioli with walnut beurre noisette ] ] , fish, omelettes [] , chicken [ [ Salt crust chicken With bread sauce and beurre noisette ] ] , etc. Unsalted butter is melted over low heat and allowed to separate into butterfat and milk solids. The milk solids naturally sink to the bottom of the pan and, if left over gentle heat, will begin to brown. As the milk solids reach a toasty hazelnut color, the pan is removed from the heat. Beurre noisette may be used in its liquid state, or cooled to a solid form. It has a characteristic warm, nutty flavour, and is particularly included in the batters for madeleines and financiers.


ee also

* Beurre noir

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