- Striegeli
The Striegeli is a
carnivorous fossil trematopidamphibian genus head withcrocodile -liketeeth discovered in 2004 inPittsburgh by geology student Adam "Radio" Striegel on a field trip. Initially, the student tossed away the rock containing the fossil. It was found to be both a new species and a new genus. The animal is believed to be 3-4 feet long. The animal lived 300 million years ago, during thePennsylvanian period . Two other specimens of the same family are known to exist. Paleontologists are searchng for the rest of the body. Its cheeks are at about right angles to the top of theskull , and there are threetusk like-teeth at the roof of the mouth.References
* [http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/11/09/tech/main654439.shtml]
* [http://archive.dailyitem.com/archive/2004/1109/fea/stories/05fea.htm]
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