

A precipitin is an antibody which can precipitate out of a solution.

The Precipitin Reaction

The precipitin reaction provided the first quantitative assay for antibody but is now made redundant by current technology and diagnostic techniques such as ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbant assay) and RIA (Radioimmunoassay). The precipitin reaction was based upon the interaction of antigen with antibody leading to the production of antigen:antibody complexes.

In the precipitin reaction, varying amounts of soluble antigen are added to a fixed amount of serum containing antibody. As the amount of antigen added increases, the amount of precipitate generate also increases up to a maximum and then declines.

* At low concentrations of antigen antibody complexes are formed under conditions of antibody excess so that each molecule of antigen is bound extensively by antibody and crosslinked to other molecules of antigen.
* At the point of "Equivalence", the formation of precipitin complexes are optimal. Large lattices of antigen and antibody are formed by cross-linking.
* At high concentrations of antigen antibody complexes are broken up to account for the excess antigen to bind.

NB: the small, soluble immune complexes formed in the zone of antigen excess are the cause of many pathological syndromes in "vivo".

Antibody may precipitate antigenic substrates that have several antibody-binding sites. This allows for the formation of large antigen:antibody complexes.

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  • precipitin — [prē sip′ə tin, prisip′ə tin] n. [ PRECIPIT(ATE) + IN1] an antibody produced in the blood of an animal injected with a soluble antigen: when the antigen is added to blood serum from such an animal, a precipitate forms …   English World dictionary

  • precipitin — Any antibody that forms a precipitating complex (a precipitin line) with an appropriate multivalent antigen. The term is now outmoded …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • precipitin — An antibody that under suitable conditions combines with and causes its specific and soluble antigen to precipitate from solution. SYN: precipitating antibody. * * * pre·cip·i·tin pri sip ət ən n any of various antibodies which form insoluble… …   Medical dictionary

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  • precipitin reaction — n the specific reaction of a precipitin with its antigen to give an insoluble precipitate * * * the formation of an insoluble precipitate by reaction of antigen and antibody; it occurs only with multivalent antigens and is dependent on… …   Medical dictionary

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  • precipitin reaction — noun : the specific reaction of a precipitin with its antigen to give an insoluble precipitate …   Useful english dictionary

  • precipitin — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from precipitate Date: 1900 an antibody that forms a precipitate when it unites with its antigen …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • precipitin — n. [L. praeceps, head long] A specific antibody developed in response to foreign protein in the blood …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

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