Executive Order 12958

Executive Order 12958

In 1995, United States President William J. Clinton signed Executive Order 12958 which created new standards for the process of classifying documents and led to an unprecedented effort to declassify millions of pages from the U.S. diplomatic and national security history. This policy has resulted in the declassification of what were 800 million pages of historically valuable records, with the potential of hundreds of millions more being declassified in the near future. [http://www.freedomofinfo.org/foi/podesta_transcript.pdf] Clinton's White House Chief of Staff, John Podesta, was an important influence in this process.

One outcome of this change in policy is the government's 1995 admission of its two-decade-plus involvement in funding highly-classified, special access programs in remote viewing (RV). [ [http://www.irva.org/papers/CIA_RV_SRI.html CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing at Stanford Research Institute ] ]

This effort also involved the late Laurance Rockefeller and also focused on the classified UFO records that Clinton wanted declassified. Clinton's interest in UFOs is explored in a book by Webster Hubbell titled "Friends In High Places". Hubbell was Janet Reno's Assistant Attorney General and reveals that he was asked by Clinton, the newly-elected President at the time, to learn everything he could about who killed John F. Kennedy and about UFOs [cite web|url=http://www.presidentialufo.com/part8.htm|title=UFO Comments in the Clinton Administration|accessdate=2008-01-13] . Later, on November 30, 1995, while visiting Belfast, Northern Ireland, Clinton made a comment in a humorous tone, about the controversial Roswell UFO incident:

Executive Order 12958 was amended and effectively replaced by President George W. Bush on March 25, 2003, in Executive Order 13292 .

External links

* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7X8HK-3iWM&feature=related Youtube: Clinton UFO interest]


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