- Université du Québec à Rimouski
Infobox University
name = University of Quebec at Rimouski (Université du Québec à Rimouski)
latin_name =
motto =
established = 1969
type = Public
endowment =
staff = 400
faculty = 180 professors on campus + 300 lecturers, 50 distance learning professorsSeeTéluq ]
rector = Michel Ringuet
students = ~5400
undergrad = ~4500
postgrad = ~750
doctoral = ~110
profess =
city =Rimouski
state =Quebec
country =Canada
campus = Urban(Lévis and Rimouski) andDistance learning
free_label =
free =
colours = Red color box|#FF0000 andultramarine blue color box|#072B61
mascot =
nickname =
affiliations = UACC
footnotes =
website = http://www.uqar.ca/english
coor =
logo =The Université du Québec à Rimouski is a branch of the
Université du Québec inRimouski, Quebec . There is also a campus of the university inLévis, Quebec , recently moved to a newly constructed building. Founded in 1969, UQAR is one of the most modern inQuebec .Fact|date=March 2008This university is well-known for its programs in marine biology and oceanography, as well as rural and social development.Fact|date=March 2008 The majority of students are from Eastern Quebec, although there is an increasing number of international students coming mainly from
Africa n countries members of theFrancophonie .History
On the current site of the university, the Ursulines erected in 1906 their first monastery in eastern
Quebec . The building burnt down in 1937 but was rebuilt in 1938.The Ursuline nuns originated from Compagnie de Saint-Ursule, founded by
Angèle Mérici inItaly in 1535 to accommodate women wanting to serve Christ without being attracted to, or having the means to enter, monastic life. Since then, the community has grown acrossEurope and the world.Fact|date=March 2008Until 1969 they received more than 20,000 girls and several residents, providing them with training to Normal School and Classical. From 1933 to 1960, they also had boarding school named St. George for young boys.
In the fall of 1969, the Université du Québec à Rimouski took over in the vocation of teaching this house. Other building were added to the main building: sports, marine laboratory, library and student services.
In 2006, UQAR has already awarded more than 32,000 diplomas for training followed not only Rimouski, but in several cities in
Gaspesia from theCôte-Nord and theBas-Saint-Laurent regions.UQAR, today
Today, UQAR is a large university, a veritable magnet for eastern
Quebec . A large proportion of students from theBas-Saint-Laurent andGaspesia are found inRimouski for their university studies. So much so that during the school year, the city has a population ratio of one student to four residents. The university also attracts students from several regions of Quebec, including programmes in biology, geography or marine science.The university is part of a network of University of Quebec which includes various educational institutions and research institutes, which greatly facilitates trade both in research and in education. In addition, UQAR offers programs of study on the campus of
Lévis nearQuebec City and includes theInstitute of Marine Sciences of Rimouski (ISMER ). Also, with its two regional offices (Rivière-du-Loup andGaspé ) and its courses offered at several locations in the territory, UQAR university is the most decentralized ofQuebec .There are approximately 5500 students (full-time and part-time) who attend university by counting students who not research in
Rimouski . Of these 5500, there are over 250 foreign students, mostly French.The framework is also interesting: with a few steps, dormitories (300 seats) that are among the most enjoyable of Quebec, the
St. Lawrence River near the town and the nearby forest offers a pleasant living environment for all. There is also a multitude of activities proposed inUQAR : theatre, art galleries, workshop sculpture, photography club, the school newspaper, large library ... Sports are not missing from the list: badminton, basketball, ice hockey, football, volleyball, there's something for everyone. All this without counting the numerous student associations and non-students who produce a lot of work and provide multiple services.Fact|date=March 2008Training
Undergraduate and graduate training programs offered by UQAR cover a broad spectrum of disciplines.
They include :
* [http://www.uqar.ca/sciencesComptables/programme/ Accounting Sciences]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/administration/programme/ Administration]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/etudesLitteraires/programme/ Arts]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/informatique/programme/ Computer science]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/biologie/programme/ Biology]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/chimie/programme/ Chemistry]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/developpement/programme/ Social development and the analysis of social problem]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/prescolairePrimaire/programme/ Pre-school education and primary education]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/ethique/programme/ Ethics]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/genie/programme/ Engineering] Students can choose to specialize in the following engineering disciplines:Computer Engineering andMechanical Engineering . [ [http://www.cemf.ca/Engineering/UniversityList.htm Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation - University List ] ]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/enseignementSecondaire/programme/ High school teaching]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/histoire/programme/ History]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/etudesLitteraires/programme/ Letters]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/grm/en/ Maritime resource management]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/administration/programme/cyclesSuperieurs.asp MBA]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/sciencesInfirmieres/programme/ Nursing science]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/oceanographie/programme/ Oceanography]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/travailSocial/programme/ Personnel management]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/administration/programme/cyclesSuperieurs.asp Personnel management in work place]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/gp/programme/ Project management]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/psychosociologie/programme/ Psycho-sociology]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/adaptationScolaire/programme/ Scholar and social Adaptation]UQAR’s main areas of research
* [http://www.uqar.ca/english/research/nordicity.asp Nordicity]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/english/research/regionalDevelopment.asp Regional Development]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/english/research/marineScience.asp Marine Sciences]
* [http://www.ismer.ca/ Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski (ISMER)]ee also
* The town of
* The town ofLevis
* TheCégep de Rimouski References
External links
* [http://www.uqar.ca/english/ Université du Québec à Rimouski (Official Website)]
* [http://www.aucc.ca/can_uni/our_universities/qbc_uqar_e.html Université du Québec à Rimouski profile by AUCC]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/choisir/ Presentation of the UQAR]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/uqar-info/ UQAR-INFO (News of the UQAR)]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/choisir/levis/ Presentation of Levis's campus]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/choisir/rimouski/ Presentation of Rimouski's campus]
* [http://fuqar.uqar.ca/ UQAR's Foundation (FUQAR)]Associations
* [http://agecar.uqar.qc.ca/ Site de l'AGECAR (Association générale des étudiants du campus de Rimouski)]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/associations/adauqar/index.asp Association des aînées et aînés de l'UQAR]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/associations/adduqar/index.asp Association des diplômées et diplômés de l'UQAR]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/associations/aruqar/index.asp Association des retraités de l'UQAR]
* [http://amauqar.blogspot.com/ Association Modulaire d'Administration]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/associations/bureauVoyage/ Bureau Voyage Magellan]
* [http://cedre.levinux.org/ CEDRE (Comité étudiant de Rimouski pour l'environnement)]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/associations/entrepreneurs/ Centre entrepreneurial étudiant de l'UQAR]
* [http://clubphoto.uqar.ca/ Club photo]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/associations/grafa/index.asp Groupe de réflexion et d'action pour les femmes d'ailleurs (GRAFA)]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/associations/humeursEncre/ Humeurs de l'encre (concours de poésie)]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/associations/reel/ Regroupement des étudiants en lettres (RÉEL)]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/associations/revueCaractere/ Student literary journal "Revue Caractère"]
* [http://www.uqar.ca/associations/troupeEnT/ Theater : La Troupe en T]
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