- Creations of Daji
Listed below is an elaborate summary of the varied projects insisted by Daji throughout the novel Fengshen Yanyi.
The Bronze Toaster
The Bronze Toaster would seemingly be the first creation suggested by Daji -- which was suggested in chapter 6. This toaster would be a bronze cylindrical device that would stand over twenty feet tall and eight feet around. Hot charcoal and vast burning flames would be the primary torture mechanism within this large toaster. Once this toaster was finally created, three layers of burning charcoal over three layers of burning fire could be seen inside. This large toaster could also be easily moved around like that of a chariot as well, due to two wheels on each side. Once this toaster was activated for the use of Grand Counselor Mei Bo, great fans were also applied to quicken the frying of his body. When a victim was to be placed into this large toaster, they would be stripped naked and have their ligaments bound. Once Mei Bo felt the fury of this toaster within the throne room during chapter 6, it would never be mentioned again.
The Snake Pit
The Snake Pit would be the first introduced mechanism during chapter 17 of Fengshen Yanyi. The snake pit would be dug beneath the Star-Picking Belvadere and would be twenty-five feet around. Poisonous spiders and exceedingly venomous snakes would be used as the primary method of torture within this "device". Once King Zhou would unleash the edict for this pit's production, four spiders and snakes would be levyed from each household as to ensure success. However, such an action only put the people into greater poverty and misery. Once this pit was finally constructed and everything was ready, the seventy-two unfortunately chosen maidens would be shaved of their hair, bound together, stripped of their clothing, and thrown into the snake pit to be devoured. Soon enough, each and every maiden was thrown into this pit and killed in time. This snake pit would remain as a torturing device noted a few times following its first use.
The Wine Pool and Meat Forest
The Wine Pool combined with the Meat Forest would be the second introduced mechanism within chapter 17 of Fengshen Yanyi. The Wine Pool would be placed on the left side of the Snake Pit, while the later Meat Forest would be placed on the right -- thus forming a small park before the Star-Picking Belvadere. To start things off within the Wine Pool, fifty maidens and fifty eunuchs would be chosen as a set. One maiden would be tied to one eunech forming an overall pair of fifty. After being thrown into the pool, each individual pair would have to drink the pool's wine and perform swimming tricks within the water. Once each pair is readily drunk, they would be set within the Meat Forest and enjoy an abundance of cooked duck, roasted pig, and so forth. Once the sunsets into the west, a few of the chosen fifty pairs would be beaten to a bloody pulp and secretly fed to Daji as to ease her need for human flesh to survive. Thus, this method of creative torture would be instilled by Daji for quite some time following chapter 17.
The Deer Gallery
The Deer Gallery would be the final project at least thought of during chapter 17. Daji had chosen this Deer Gallery as an ensured way to put an end to Jiang Ziya, who had been entrusted to create the impossible -- the gallery itself. This large tower like structure would be forty-nine feet in height (double the size of the Star-Picking Belvadere), fully equipped with columns of jade, floors of marble, roofs and ceilings of legendary jewels, and railings of great pearls and sea corals.
- Investiture of the Gods Chapters 6 - 17 - 18
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