James MacKerras Macdonnell
- James MacKerras Macdonnell
James MacKerras Macdonnell, P.C., C.C., (December 15 1884 - July 27 1973) was a Canadian lawyer and parliamentarian.
Macdonnell was first elected to the Canadian House of Commons as a Progressive Conservative Party candidate in the 1945 federal election representing Muskoka—Ontario riding. He was defeated in the 1949 federal election, but returned to parliament later that year when he won a by-election held in the Toronto riding of Greenwood.[ [http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/about/people/key/bio.asp?Language=E&query=16717&s=M Federal Political Experience] , Parliament of Canada] ]
Following the 1957 federal election that returned the first Progressive Conservative government and the first Tory government since the Great Depression, the new Prime Minister of Canada, John Diefenbaker, named Macdonnell to Cabinet as a minister without portfolio.[ He resigned from Cabinet on August 8, 1959 for health reasons [ [http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/about/people/key/MinResign.asp?Language=E Ministerial Resignations] ] and was defeated in the 1962 federal election by Andrew Brewin of the New Democratic Party. [ [http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/about/process/house/hfer/hfer.asp?Language=E&Search=Det&Include=Y&rid=246 History of Federal Ridings - Greenwood, Ontario] , Parliament of Canada] ]
Macdonnell was appointed a Companion of the Order of Canada in 1967 for "services as a parliamentarian". [ [http://www.gg.ca/honours/search-recherche/honours-desc.asp?lang=e&TypeID=orc&id=2134 Order of Canada - James M. Macdonnell, C.C.] ]
External links
* [http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/about/people/key/bio.asp?Language=E&query=16717&s=M Federal Political Experience]
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