

Argeus ("the hunter") is the name of several individuals.

Greek Mythology

In Greek mythology, :1. King Argeus of Argos, the son of Megapenthes, and possibly the father of Anaxagoras.:2. Argeus, a surname of Pan (mythology) and Aristaeus.See also Agreus. [ [] .] :3. Argeus, one of the sons (in a rare version of the myth) of Phineus and Danaë, the other being Argus. Danae came to Italy with her sons. [Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology [] ] :4. Argeus, son of Deiphontes. [Pausanias, Description of Greece 2.28.6 [] ]


:Argeus, with Narcissus and Marcellinus, are Roman Catholic martyrs with a feast of January 2.


:It is the old name of Mount Erciyes in Kayseri, Turkey.


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