- PFStools
PFStools is a software package for creating and manipulating .pfs-files (Portable Floating-point Streams). The file-format and the tools are mainly used for manipulating
High Dynamic Range photo s, but can also be used for storage of large matrices from theGNU Octave program.Programs
;PFStmo: Implementation of
tone mapping operator s.;PFScalibration: Photometric calibration ofHDR andLDR camera s.;hdrvideo: High dynamic rangevideo encoding .;HDR MPEG:Backward compatible high dynamic range video encoding;HDR VDP: Visible difference predictor for HDR imagesExternal links
* [http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/resources/pfstools/ Program homepage]
* [http://qtpfsgui.sourceforge.net/ QtPfsGui] is a free (open-source) HDR-workflow software for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X based around the pfstools package
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.