Dolmar kms4

Dolmar kms4

In 1975 Sachs Dolmar of Germany introduced a small Wankel rotary powered chainsaw in the USA. Its 58 cc engine made the chainsaw more powerful than competitors' offerings. At a time when most saw manufacturers were building saws with anti-vibration mountings, Dolmar claimed the KMS4 didn't need them because of the smoothness of its rotary engine.

The saw only sold for about a year before being discontinued. One theory is that due to extreme heat in the exhaust system, it was deemed unsafe to use wherever fire hazards existed. Numerous reports established that the muffler would glow red after cutting for fifteen minutes. Several also stated that when the saw was run at night, flames were observed shooting downward from the muffler.Another theory is that the saw was a gas guzzler, more expensive to run than competitors' saws.A third theory is that the rotor seals in the saw's wankel engine broke down faster than the piston rings in the conventional engines of competing saws.

The KMS4, although not a rare saw, is highly desired by collectors; sometimes sold at auction for as much as $1500 US dollars. Even non-running parts saws command several hundred dollars.

This saw is a technical marvel. It is smooth and powerful and has a characteristic exhaust signature. At idle its sound resembles that of a vee-8 engine with an extreme racing cam.

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