LSW may stand for:


* Landessternwarte Heidelberg-Königstuhl, a historic astronomical observatory operated by the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg in Germany
* Leasowe railway station, a railway station in England
* Lee's Summit West High School, a high school in Lee's Summit, Missouri
* Lincoln Southwest High School, a high school in Lincoln, Nebraska
* Labrador Sea Water, part of the North Atlantic Deep Water water mass


* Liberty Seguros-Würth team, a cycling team active in Tour de France
* Logistics Support Wing, one of three support wings of the Australian Air Force Cadets
* London and South Western Railway, a railway company operating in England from 1838 to 1922


* , a Game Boy Color game and style used in sprite editing
* Lego Star Wars, a Lego theme which incorporates the Star Wars saga
* Light Support Weapon, a type of assault rifle
* Low Observable Special Warfare Ship, a warship of the High Guard, a fictional military organization in the "Andromeda" TV series
* Land Slide Warning, an alert type in the United States Emergency Alert System
* A degree in social work


* Library Society of the World
* Little Spokane Watershed, a name given to a region of land in eastern Washington state containing thousands of animal species
* London Shakespeare Workout, a Shakespeare play company in England
* LSW Vision-Smalltalk, a commercial implementation of the Smalltalk language and development environment for Windows

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