

In computing, the C programming language offers a library function called strcat that allows one memory block to be appended to another memory block. Both memory blocks are required to be null-terminated. Since, in C, strings are not first-class datatypes, and are implemented as blocks of ASCII bytes in memory, strcat will effectively append one string to another given two pointers to blocks of allocated memory. The name strcat is an abbreviation of "string concatenate". strcat is found in the string.h header file.

For example:char str1 [100] = "Hello,"; /* 100: reserve extra space */strcat(str1, " world!");puts(str1); /* prints "Hello, world!" to stdout followed by a newline */Here is a possible implementation of strcat:

char *strcat(char *dest, const char *src){ size_t dest_len = strlen(dest); size_t i;

for (i = 0 ; src [i] != '

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