

In Greek mythology, Idmon was an Argonaut seer. His father is said to have been Apollo but his mortal father was Abas. His mother was Asteria (or Cyrene). He foresaw his own death in the Argonaut expedition but joined anyway and was killed by a boar in the land of the Mariandyni, in Bithynia. [Apollonius of Rhodes. "Argonautica", 2.815-2.834.] When in 559 BC the citizens of Megara founded the city of Heraclea (today's Eregli), they built a temple over the spot he was buried.



*Grimal, Pierre. [ Entry for Idmon.] "The Dictionary of Classical Mythology." Blackwell, 1986. ISBN 0631201025.
*Seaton, R.C. (editor and translator). "Apollonius Rhodius: Argonautica". Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1912.

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