

Spydawn is a malware program that claims to be a commercial anti-spyware, when in fact it is, itself, adware-advertised. The software installs itself, without consent, on the user's computers and registry. It then sends messages such as "System Error, Buy this software to fix" or "Your System is infected with spyware, buy Spydawn to clean it", redirecting the user to Spydawn' homepage where he/she is prompted to buy the Spydawn software.

There are many variants of this malware:
SpywareStrike, SpySheriff, SpyFalcon, AntiVirGear, SpywareQuake, MalwareWipe, Spylocked and others.

Systems infected with this program should seek removal. These two free removal tools will help remove the SpyDawn infection. [http://www.malwarebytes.org/rogueremover.php RogueRemover]
[http://siri.geekstogo.com/SmitfraudFix.php SmitfraudFix]

External links

* [http://parasitedb.com/parasite-ultimate_cleaner.html Information and Removal Instructions for UltimateCleaner]
* [http://www.pchubs.com/blogs/spydawn-removal-process Free & Easy Removal Process]

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