Chione (daughter of Daedalion)

Chione (daughter of Daedalion)

In Greek mythology Chione (English translation: "snow white") was the daughter of Daedalion. She was very beautiful, and had countless suitors, including the gods Apollo and Hermes. Apollo waited for nightfall and then approached her in the guise of an old woman. Hermes put her to sleep and raped her. She became pregnant with twins, one (Autolycus) the son of Hermes, and the other (Philammon), the son of Apollo. Chione became so vain she compared her beauty favorably to that of Artemis, whereupon the goddess shot and killed her with an arrow. Daedalion grieved so much at his daughter's death that he flung himself down from a peak of Mount Parnassus and was transformed by Apollo into a hawk.


  • Ovid, Metamorphoses 11. 339 ff
  • M. Grant & J. Hazel. Who's Who in Classical Mythology. David McKay & Co Inc, 1979.

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