Ace K-1

Ace K-1

The Ace K-1 was a United States single-seat biplane aircraft designed in 1919 by Alexander Klemin, then Professor of Aeronautical Engineering at New York University (NYU). Later versions included a nearly faired-in engine installation and some were fitted with the Salmson AD-9 engine.

pecifications (K-1)

aircraft specifications
plane or copter?=plane
jet or prop?=prop
crew=one pilot
payload main=
payload alt=
length main= 18 ft 0 in
length alt= 5.49 m
span main= 28 ft 4 in
span alt= 8.64 m
height main=
height alt=
area main=
area alt=
empty weight main=
empty weight alt=
loaded weight main=
loaded weight alt=
useful load main=
useful load alt=
max takeoff weight main=
max takeoff weight alt=
more general=
engine (prop)= inline engine
type of prop=
number of props=1
power main= 40 hp
power alt= 36 kW
power original=
max speed main= 63 mph
max speed alt= 100 km/h
cruise speed main=
cruise speed alt=
stall speed main=
stall speed alt=
never exceed speed main=
never exceed speed alt=
range main= 160 miles
range alt=256 km
ceiling main=
ceiling alt=
climb rate main=
climb rate alt=
loading main=
loading alt=
power/mass main=
power/mass alt=
more performance=

ee also


similar aircraft=



see also=

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Ace K-1 — Biplane ACE K 1 Biplane est un biplan de sport monoplace à ailes inégales. L avion fut dessiné par Alexander Klemin et N.W.Dalton, visiblement inspirés par les chasseurs allemands de la Première Guerre mondiale. Construit entièrement en bois, le… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • ace — [ ɛs ] n. m. • 1928; mot angl. ♦ Anglic. Au tennis, Balle de service qui fait le point, l adversaire n ayant pu la toucher. ⊗ HOM. Ès, esse, 1. s. ● ace nom masculin (mot anglais signifiant as) Au tennis, balle de service que l adversaire ne peut …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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