Louis Henri Vaquez

Louis Henri Vaquez

Louis Henri Vaquez (August 27, 1860 - 1936) was a French physician who practiced medicine in Paris. He is known for his work regarding hematology and heart disease. Vaquez credits cardiologist Pierre Potain (1825-1901) as a major influence in his medical career.

In 1892 Vaquez was the first to describe the blood disorder polycythaemia vera, which is also known as "Osler-Vaquez disease" (named with William Osler (1849-1919). Vaquez also made several contributions in the study of leukemia.

Vaquez was one of the first physicians to recognize the correlation of Stokes-Adams disease to interference of the bundle of His. He also did research concerning cardiac arrhythmia and high blood pressure. He was founder and editor of the journal "Archives des maladies du coeur, vaissaux et du sang".


* "Sur une forme spéciale de cyanose s’accompagnant d’hyperglobulie excessive et persistante". Comptes rendus de la Société de biologie, Paris, 1892, 44: 384-388.
* "Les arythmies". Paris, J. Baillière, 1911
* "Maladies du coeur". Paris, 1920; 2nd edition, 1928
* "Les troubles du rythme cardiaque", with Edouard Donzelot (1884-1960); Paris, 1926.


* [http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/1689.html Who Named It; Louis Henri Vaquez]

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