Gu Kaizhi

Gu Kaizhi

Gu Kaizhi (zh-tspw|t=顧愷之|s=顾恺之|p= Kǎizhī|w=Ku K'ai-chih) (ca. 344-406), is a celebrated painter of ancient China. According to historical records he was born in Wuxi, Jiangsu province and first painted at Nanjing in 364. In 366 he became an officer (Da Sima Canjun, 大司馬參軍). Later he was promoted to royal officer (Sanji Changshi, 散騎常侍). He was also a talented poet and calligrapher. He wrote three books about painting theory: "On Painting" (畫論), "Introduction of Famous Paintings of Wei and Jin Dynasties" (魏晉勝流畫贊) and "Painting Yuntai Mountain" (畫雲台山記). He wrote: "In figure paintings the clothes and the appearances were not very important. The eyes were the spirit and the decisive factor."

Gu's art is known today through copies of three silk handscroll paintings attributed to him. Many of the major works are in the hands of foreign museums. They are under protection and care, but it is uncertain if China will ever request their return.

"Admonitions of the Instructress to the Palace Ladies" (女史箴圖)

This painting - probably a Tang dynasty copy - illustrates nine stories from a political satire about Empress Jia (賈后) written by Zhang Hua (張華 ca. 232-302). Beginning in the eighth century, many collectors and emperors left seals, poems, and comments on the scroll. The "Admonitions" scroll was stored in the emperor's treasure until it was looted by the British army in the Boxer Uprising in 1900. Now it is in the British Museum collection, missing the first three scenes. The original copy is a horizontal handscroll, painted by ink and color on silk.

"Nymph of the Luo River" (洛神賦)

"Nymph of the Luo River" survives in three copies dating to the Song dynasty. It illustrates a poem written by Cao Zhi (曹植 192-232). One copy is held by the Palace Museum of Beijing; another is at the Freer Gallery in Washington, D.C. The third was brought to Manchuria by the last emperor Pu Yi (溥儀 1906-1967) while he was the puppet emperor of Manchukuo under Japanese rule. When the Japanese surrendered in 1945 the painting disappeared. After ten years the Liaoning provincial museum recovered it.

"Wise and Benevolent Women"(列女仁智圖)

Little scholarship on this painting seems to exist in English.

External links

* [ The Admonitions Scroll in the British Museum]

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