Janne Da Arc

Janne Da Arc

Infobox musical artist
Name = Janne Da Arc
Background = group_or_band
Alias = Janne
Origin = flagicon|Japan Osaka, Japan
Genre = J-Rock
Years_active = 19962007
Label = Cutting Edge, motorod
Associated_acts =
URL = [http://www.janne.co.jp/ www.janne.co.jp]
Current_members = yasu (vocal)
you (guitar)
ka-yu (bass)
kiyo (keyboard)
shuji (drum)|

nihongo|Janne Da Arc|ジャンヌダルク|Jannu Daruku is a Japanese rock band, hailing from Hirakata, Osaka, Japan. The band's name is often seen shortened to either "Janne" (ジャンヌ) or "JDA".


The Band is currently signed on the motorod record label, a subsidiary of avex trax. They have released three indies albums, nine major-label albums (including single collections), 26 singles, and 13 DVDs.

On May 9, 2006, they celebrated their tenth anniversary of their formation, the date marking when the final member, shuji, became an official fixture of the band's lineup. The band was not named after historical figure Joan of Arc, despite their song "Kyuuseishu --Messiah--" being about her; rather, yasu named the band after a character in the manga "Devilman" by Go Nagai. A picture series of the character can be seen on the art for the band's limited edition Janne Da Arc 10th ANNIVERSARY INDIES COMPLETE BOX, released March 15, 2006.

Their sound is self-described as "pop-rock", and vocalist yasu takes many musical cues from his musical idol, MORRIE of the 1980s Japanese rock band DEAD END. However, Janne Da Arc has proven themselves to be very versatile as well as proficient at their chosen instruments, and draws influence from the favorite bands and musical styles of all of their members.

As of January 26 2007, the members of Janne Da Arc are pursuing solo projects, concurrent with their work in the band. See [http://www.janne.co.jp/oshirase070126_popup.html official announcement] in Japanese or an [http://community.livejournal.com/heavens_place/114235.html unofficial fan translation] into English, and below for an itemization of solo activities by member.


* "yasu" (Yasunori Hayashi), vocalist, born January 27, 1975 in Hirakata, Osaka, Japan, blood type A. Favorite artists include DEAD END and BOOWY. yasu describes himself as someone who generally likes to remain at home, with a penchant for going out and playing pachinko and reading manga late into the night. His favorite manga is Parasyte, and he has recommended the movie "SE7EN" as well as the television show "24" to listeners of [http://fmosaka.net/buzz/janne_da_arc/ Janne Da Arc no Moto] , the band's weekly radio program through fmosaka. yasu is also quite proficient at guitar and keyboard, the latter of which he uses to compose most of his music.

* "you" (Yutaka Tsuda), guitarist, born July 24, 1974 in Kobe, Japan, blood type O. Favorite artists include Unicorn and Nuno Bettencourt. you is generally considered to be the quietest member of Janne Da Arc, but he often tells long, humor-filled stories during Janne Da Arc's live shows. yasu describes him as a very cool, collected individual. shuji, however, describes him as the member of the band that rainy weather seems to follow around, thanks to several of Janne Da Arc's live shows being done on days with severe rainfall.

* "ka-yu" (Kazuyuki Matsumoto), bassist, born January 21, 1975 in Hirakata, Osaka, Japan, blood type A. Favorite artists include CRAZY COOL JOE (ex DEAD END bassist) and BOOWY. ka-yu is like a brother to yasu, and is characterized by his more Visual Kei look in comparison to the rest of the band members, as well as his love for animals.

*"kiyo" ("not open to the public"), keyboardist, born June 27, 1974 in Hirakata, Osaka, Japan, blood type A. Favorite artists include Earth, Wind, and Fire and Keith Emerson. kiyo is the oldest member of Janne Da Arc, and acts as an older brother to the band. He has a very distinctive sense of humor, as seen on his [http://ameblo.jp/janne-kiyo/ personal blog] , but is also known to have a quick temper. He is the resident gourmet of the band, and enjoys food very much.

*"shuji" (Shuji Suematsu), drummer, born November 21, 1974 in Kobe, Japan, blood type O. Favorite artists include X JAPAN and LOUDNESS. shuji is often referred to by the other members as "Gramps" because of his older appearance and down-to-earth nature. He is fairly computer-savvy, and keeps a personal blog on his [http://www.shuji-drums.com official site] . In contrast to guitarist you, shuji considers himself to be a "fair-weather man".

All the members, with the exception of ka-yu, graduated from Hirakata West High School in the same class. For the release of their single "Furimukeba...", Janne Da Arc returned to their high school to give a special performance, which became the feature film "HIRAKATA".



; [17.04.1998] Dearly
# Fantasia
# Judgement 死神のkiss ("Judgement Shinigami no Kiss")
# More Deep
# So Blew
# Confusion
# Speed
# 闇の月をあなたに... ("Yami no Tsuki wo Anata ni...")

; [05.12.1998] Resist
# Resistance
# Misty Land
# Hunting
# Lady
# Stare

; [17.03.1999] CHAOS MODE
# Desperate
# -R-TYPE 「瞳の色」 ("-R-TYPE "Hitomi no Iro")
# Psycho Dance
# ....song
# Labyrinth
# Strange Voice


; [19.05.1999] RED ZONE
# seal

; [22.09.1999] Lunatic Gate
# Lunatic Gate

; [13.01.2000] EDEN君がいない~ ("EDEN ~kimi ga inai~")
# EDEN君がいない~ ("EDEN ~kimi ga inai~")
# Vanish

; [12.04.2000] Heaven's Place/Vanity
# Heaven's Place
# Vanity

; [26.06.2000] will地図にない場所~ ("will ~chizu ni nai basho~")
# will ~chizu ni nai basho~ Radio Edit
# will ~chizu ni nai basho~
# IMAGE or ....

; [08.11.2000] Mysterious
# Mysterious
# Differ

; [31.01.2001] Dry?
# Dry?
# Blue Tear人魚の涙~ ("Blue Tear ~ningyo no namida~")

; [25.04.2001] NEO VENUS
# EDEN君がいない~ (at BUDOKAN-LIVE Version) ("EDEN ~kimi ga inai~ (at BUDOKAN-LIVE Version)")
# -S- (at BUDOKAN-LIVE Version)

; [20.06.2001] RED ZONE
# seal
# seal -Gang Bang in SOVIET mix-

; [25.07.2001] seed
# seed
# ナイフ ("KNIFE")

; [24.10.2001] シルビア ("SYLVIA")
# シルビア ("SYLVIA")

; [12.12.2001] feel the wind
# feel the wind
# Dear My...

; [07.08.2002] Shining ray
# Shining ray

; [20.11.2002] マリアの爪痕 ("MARIA no tsumeato")
# マリアの爪痕 ("MARIA no tsumeato")

; [16.01.2003] 霞ゆく空背にして ("kasami yuki sora se ni shite")
# 霞ゆく空背にして ("kasami yuki sora se ni shite")
# answer

; [08.05.2003] Rainy愛の調べ~ ("Rainy ~ai no shirabe~")
# Rainy愛の調べSingle Version ("Rainy ~ai no shirabe~ Single Version")
# Rainy愛の調べNew Vocal Edition ("Rainy ~ai no shirabe~ New Vocal Edition")
# Rainy愛の調べOrgel Version ("Rainy ~ai no shirabe~ Orgel Version")
# Dry?
# feel the wind

; [20.08.2003] 餓えた太陽 ("ueta taiyou")
# 餓えた太陽 ("ueta taiyou")

; [24.03.2004] FREEDOM
# survive?

; [07.04.2004] Kiss Me
# Kiss Me
# Hysteric Moon

; [19.05.2004] DOLLS
# マリアの爪痕 ("MARIA no tsumeato")

; [26.05.2004] ROMANCヨ

; [02.06.2004] BLACK JACK
# 餓えた太陽 ("ueta taiyou")

; [17.11.2004] Love is Here
# Love is Here
# 少年の瞳 ("shounen no hitomi")

; [19.01.2005] 月光花 ("gekkouka")
# 月光花 ("gekkouka")

; [18.05.2005] ダイヤモンドヴァージン ("DIAMOND VIRGIN")
# ダイヤモンドヴァージン ("DIAMOND VIRGIN")
# ("mizuumi")

; [08.02.2006] 振り向けば… / Destination ("furimukeba.../Destination")
# 振り向けば… ("furimukeba...")
# Destination

; [10.05.2006] Heaven/メビウス ("Heaven/MÖBIUS")
# メビウス ("MÖBIUS")


; [08.05.2000] D・N・A
# Deja-vu
# Vanity
# ファントム ("Phantom")
# EDEN君がいない~ ("EDEN ~Kimi Ga Inai~")
# child vision絵本の中の綺麗な魔女~ ("Child Vision ~Ehon No Naka No Kirei Na Majo~")
# Stranger
# ("Sakura")
# Lunatic Gate
# Junky Walker
# RED ZONE (album mix)
# ring
# Heaven's Place

; [28.02.2001] Z-HARD
# Nightmare
# -救世主 メシア- ("-Kyuuseishu Messiah-")
# prism
# Dry? (album mix)
# 7-seven-
# will地図に無い場所~ (album mix) ("will ~Chizu Ni Nai Basho~ (Album Mix)")
# Liar
# Dear My....
# Mysterious

; [23.01.2002] GAIA
# セル ("Cell")
# sister
# feel the wind
# curse
# still
# seed
# Plastic
# シルビア ("Silvia")

; [13.02.2003] ANOTHER STORY
# 『1/5の音箱』 ("1/5 No Onhako")
# in the story
# マリアの爪痕 ("Maria No Tsumeato")
# 赤い月 ("Akai Tsuki")
# 『奪われた知恵』 ("Ubaraweta Chie")
# suicide note
# What's up!
# explosion
# 霞ゆく空背にして ("Kasumi Yuku Sora Sei Ni Shite")
# ヴァンパイア ("Vampire")
# 『少女と氷の女王』 ("Shoujo No Koori To Joou")
# rasen
# Rainy愛の調べ~ ("Rainy ~Ai No Shirabe~")
# Shining ray

; [18.09.2003] SINGLES
# Lunatic Gate
# EDEN君がいない~ ("EDEN ~ Kimi Ga Inai~")
# Heaven's Place
# will地図にない場所~ ("will ~Chizu Ni Nai Basho~")
# Mysterious
# Dry?
# seed
# シルビア ("Silvia")
# feel the wind
# Shining ray
# マリアの爪痕 ("Maria No Tsumeato")
# 霞ゆく空背にして ("Kasumi Yuku Sora Sei Ni Shite")
# Rainy愛の調べ~ ("Rainy ~Ai No Shirabe~")

; [18.09.2003] ANOTHER SINGLES
# seal
# Vanish
# Vanity (Single Mix from "D・N・A")
# IMAGE or....
# differ
# Blue Tear人魚の涙~ ("Blue Tear ~Ningyo No Namida~")
# ナイフ ("Knife")
# Dear my....
# answer
# Who am I?

; [07.07.2004] ARCADIA
# Heavy Damage
# trap
# 心の行方 ("Kokoro No Yukue")
# process
# カーネーション ("CARNATION")
# Kiss Me

; [15.06.2005] JOKER
# in silence
# ツメタイカゲロウ ("Tsumetai Kagerou")
# 月光花 ("Gekkouka")
# HELL or HEAVEN愛しのPsycho Breaker~ ("HELL or HEAVEN ~Aishi No Psycho Breaker~")
# Kamen (仮面)
# I'm so Happy
# easy funky crazy
# Mr. Trouble Maker
# Love is Here
# 風にのって ("Kaze ni Notte")
# ダイヤモンドヴァージン ("Diamond Virgin")

; [21.02.2007] SINGLES 2
# Kiss Me
# Love is Here
# 月光花 ("Gekkouka")
# ダイヤモンドヴァージン ("Diamond Virgin")
# 振り向けば… ("Furimukeba...")
# Destination
# メビウス ("Möbius")


* "1999 TOUR "CHAOS MODE" (June 30, 1999)
* "5 STORIES " (September 27, 2000)
* "FATE or FORTUNE -Live at BUDOKAN-" (March 28, 2001)
* "SIX CLIPS" (March 13, 2002)
* "100th Memorial Live LIVE INFINITY 2002 at Budokan" (December 26, 2002)


* "1999 TOUR "CHAOS MODE" (September 27, 2000)
* "5 STORIES " (September 27, 2000)
* "FATE or FORTUNE -Live at BUDOKAN-" (March 28, 2001)
* "SIX CLIPS" (March 13, 2002)
* "100th Memorial Live ~LIVE INFINITY 2002 at Budokan~" (December 26, 2002)
* "ANOTHER STORY CLIPS" (March 19, 2003)
* "SINGLES CLIPS" (November 12, 2003)
* "Danjiri Night" (December 25, 2003)
* "ARCADIA CLIPS" (September 29, 2004)
* "HIRAKATA" (February 16, 2005)
* "Live 2005 "Dearly" at Osaka- Hall 03.27" (March 27, 2005)
* "10th Anniversary Special Live -OSAKA NANBA ROCKETS 2006.5.9-" (September 20, 2006)
* "Live 2006 DEAD or ALIVE -SAITAMA SUPER ARENA 05.20-" (September 20, 2006)

Box Sets

* "Janne Da Arc 10th Anniversary INDIES COMPLETE BOX (3CD,1DVD)" (March 15, 2006)

Other Notes

* "Destination" was the theme song for the video game "Over G Fighters"
* "NEO VENUS" was released as the commercial Theme song for the video game "Rockman EXE".
* "feel the wind" was released as the commercial Theme song for the video game "Rockman EXE 2".
* "Mysterious" was released as the Opening Theme for the anime "Sci-Fi Harry".
* "Shining ray" was released as the 8th Ending theme for the anime "One Piece", and was a cover track for the music arcade video game Drummania 8th Mix.
* "WILD FANG" was released as the Opening Theme for the video game "Rockman X8".
* "Gekkouka" was released as Opening Theme for the anime "Black Jack".
* "Kasumi Yuku Sora Se ni Shite" was released as the 2nd Ending Theme for the anime "Monkey Typhoon".
* "Möbius" was released as Opening Theme for the anime "Bakegyamon".
* yasu also wrote a novel for the ANOTHER STORY album (reprinted in 2007 by Ameba Books), as well as a manga containing a side story about the formation of Janne Da Arc.
* kiyo has written a book based on his online blog.

olo Projects

*yasu has begun a side band known as [http://www.acidblackcherry.com Acid Black Cherry] with several of his contacts in the musical world. Artists working on the project include SHUSE (formerly of La'cryma Christi, currently of Samurai Dead City), YUKI (formerly of Aucifer, currently of DUSTAR-3), Chisato (PENICILLIN, Crack6), Sugizo (formerly of LUNA SEA), and several others. Throughout the month of May 2007, yasu and Acid Black Cherry went on a secret nationwide tour of Japan, culminating in a show in Shinjuku which was webcast live to the world. Their first single, "SPELL MAGIC", released on July 18, 2007, debuting at #4 on the Oricon Singles Charts in Japan. ABC's second single, entitled "Black Cherry", was released on September 26, 2007, followed by a third single (November 28, 2007), "Aishitenai". Their fourth single, entitled "Fuyu no Maboroshi", was released on January 16, 2008, to the number one spot on the Japanese Oricon Singles chart. All the singles feature cover versions of famous Japanese songs as B-sides; "SPELL MAGIC" contained "Shinin' On Kimi ga Kanashii", a Look cover (1985); "Black Cherry" contained "Hatsukoi", a Kozo Murashita cover (1983); "Aishitenai" was coupled with"Ihoujin", a Saki Kubota cover (1979), and "Fuyu no Maboroshi"'s cover track was "Koi Hitoya", a Shizuka Kudo cover (1988).

Acid Black Cherry's first album, "BLACK LIST", released in February 20th of 2008.

He also appeared as a guest vocalist on the album release of the song "D.D.D." by jealkb in May 2007.

*you is currently working on a solo career. His first album, "LIFE ~the first movement~" released on "June 20, 2007" amidst a fanclub-only tour. He plans to release two more albums based on the theme of "life" and the experiences therein. His second album, "LIFE ~the second movement~", was released in November of 2007.

*ka-yu is currently working as a clothing and jewelry designer with his own label ("Solid Beat") in a collaboration with Japanese jewelry maker GIGOR. He also released two solo albums (under his full name, Kazuyuki Matsumoto). The albums, named "Solid Beat" and "Solid Beat II" respectively, are both mini albums, the lyrics entirely in English. He has also released an instructional bass DVD, "Real Rock Bass", and plans to release a photobook, entitled "Solid Beat ~Zero~" in March 2008.

*kiyo currently has plans to release a solo DVD in March 2008, and continues to update his blog regularly. He has also been a support keyboardist for fellow avex artist kaede, providing support for one of her mini-albums ("Organic"). He also appears monthly on a video webcast for [http://studio.ameba.jp/index.do Ameba Studio] called "kiyo露天風呂".

*shuji acted as a support drummer on Janne Da Arc guitarist you's first solo tour. He has also released an instructional drumming DVD, "Pleasure of Drumming", and updates his official blog regularly, much like kiyo before him.

External links

* [http://www.janne.co.jp/ Janne Da Arc Official Website (Japanese)]
* [http://www.avexnet.or.jp/janne/ AvexTrax's Official Janne Da Arc Website (Japanese)]
* [http://ameblo.jp/janne-kiyo/ kiyo's blog / kiyo-BURO (Japanese)]
* [http://www.acidblackcherry.com/ ACID BLACK CHERRY Official Website (Japanese)]
* [http://acidblackcherry.net/ ACID BLACK CHERRY Official Website (Avex) (Japanese)]
* [http://www.you-g.com/ you Official Website (Japanese)]
* [http://www.solid-beat.com/ ka-yu Official Website (Japanese)]
* [http://www.shuji-drums.com/ shuji Official Website (Japanese)]
* [http://fmosaka.net/buzz/janne_da_arc/ Janne Da Arc radio show podcast (Japanese)]
* [http://musicjapanplus.jp/specialfeatures/?action=detail&sf_id=5/ Live Report :SWAPPING ROCK PARTY!"]
* [http://ameblo.jp/shuji-drums/ shuji's official blog (Japanese)]

Fan Sites

* [http://dearly.de.funpic.de/ Dearly (German)]
* [http://jannedaarc.com/ JANNE DA ARC fansite (portuguese)]
* [http://community.livejournal.com/heavens_place Janne Da Arc Unofficial Livejournal Community (English)]
* [http://www.papersnow.net/kiku/ Kiku's Janne Da Arc Translations (English/Japanese)]
* [http://sunday.angeltrip.net/kayu Ka-yu fanlisting]
* [http://www.jannedaarc.qt.to/ Legend of Janne da arc (Korean)]

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