Tex-Edit Plus

Tex-Edit Plus

Infobox Software
name = Tex-Edit Plus

caption =
developer = Trans-Tex Software
latest_release_version = 4.9.8
latest_release_date = 2007-07-30
operating_system = Mac OS X
genre = text editor
language = multilingual
license = shareware
website = [http://www.tex-edit.com/index.html#Tex-Edit%20Plus Tex-Edit.com]

Tex-Edit Plus is a fast and simple, styled text editor named after Texas, the author's homeland (it has nothing to do with TeX or LaTeX). The extensively scriptable application for Mac OS X is considered highly useful for cleaning up cross-platform text and styles. [ [http://www.editfast.com/english/archive/texeditplus_08.htm Tex-Edit Plus: The Little App that Could Review] (retrieved: 2007-02-16)]


Tex-Edit Plus supports AppleScript, grep expressions, Apple's Automator, Apple's Text-to-speech capabilities, and can save documents as audio files. To place images between text lines, e.g. screenshots etc., one can simply paste pictures from the clipboard and save them with the document. All document windows can save their size and screen position – so that Tex-Edit Plus can also be used as a much better notetaking (memo) tool than "Stickies" etc.

As with some other Mac editors, Tex-Edit Plus can read, convert and save files in various international formats, including Unicode, ASCII and RTF. For example it can open the "raw" text of Word documents.

Tex-Edit Plus is multilingual (e.g. English, French, German, Italian, Spanish) and based on the WASTE text engine.

ee also

* Comparison of text editors
* Notetaking


External links

* [http://www.tex-edit.com Tex-Edit.com homepage]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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